Integrated Amp for Thiel 2.3 s ?

I'm currently using the Krell KAV 300i and the sound can be bright or harsh at times. Someone said to get a tube pre-amp but because of space would prefer another warmer sounding integrated.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thanks GJRAD.
My cables are now the Monster M2.2 which I have been told is a "warm" cable. Do you really think the MIT 750 will be that much different? Also I'm thinking of getting the Arcam cd23 instead of the Rega Planet which I now have. I'm told that CD player might do the trick. With a great recording my system sounds terrific----BUT I have way too many CD's that just sound too harsh or bright.
The MITs will definitely soften the high end and I believe its worth a try before changing the amp. My son is using an Aragon 8008st and AR LS3 preamp with Thiel 2.2s also went to the MIT MH 750s with good results (took that bright edge right off), although the 2.2 are not nearly as bright as the 2.3s and IMHO a better sounding speaker. A tube preamp will make the most difference, the MITs just completes the package. I have not changed CD players, currently using a Micromega stage 2 and 6 but of the ones I tried none made much of a difference to control the brightness. Your other option is to sell the Thiels and replace them with speakera that are warmer. I listen mostly to Jazz, Accoustic, and some Rock, the Thiels if not matched right will not even come close to what certain instruments should sound like. Example listen to Ken Navarro, with the Thiels you would run from the room in pain. Get it right and he is there with you. Hope this helps.
The Plinius 8200 will do a decent job with the 2.3s but will not entirely remove the slightly whitened nature of the sound of these speakers. I have spent quite some time with the 2.3s, including with tubes, and believe they are a struggle to make them musical with a wide range of CDs. As suggested above, you may be better to try some other speakers.
Yashu- Thiels are great speakers- if you like them. If you don't like them you can change amps and cables forever and still not like them. You did not mention what cd player you are using. If it is not smooth this system will reveal it.
Make sure you have the driver upgrade on the 2.3's.
Cardas cable plus tube preamp plus an amp with very serious power are best bet.