DVD player recomendations

Ok I have a good one for fellow "goners" I have a Pioneer DV 414 dvd player that is probably close to 5 years old and looking to upgrade.My budget is somewhere around $5-700.00 and I am willing to bump it up to $1000 if the difference will be dramatic enough.I actually would prefer buying used to make my dollar go further.I am after a dvd player that will"smoke the doors" on my 414 in audio and video.SACD is not a important option or the DVI for that matter.If I can get some recomendations to get me started in the right direction,would be a great help.
Samsung Pro 1000HD, I have not seen a player that does a better job. Should be around 1000.00 if you can find one used.
Any Denon player that uses the Silicon Image chip -- the video quality is
superb and the audio is also good. The Denon's always kick tail on the Home Theater DVD shootout.
Hello Timperry
I have the Marantz DV12S1... great unit... You can find used units on Audiogon for 800-1000,$2700 when it was new. I had "Sony Something" then a Marantz DV7100... then the DV12. Excellent bass !!!!!!! Plays CD's well for that matter. Picture is the best of the 3 I've had...and is DVD Audio capable .. Good Luck !!!!!
Arcam would be my pick, audio-wise. The Denon 2200 is also worth looking at (on the bargain end), and even though you don't NEED SACD, you might want to check out the Sony DVP-NS999ES.
