Overrated & Underrated


Bob Marley
Stevie Wonder
The Beatles
Chuck Berry
Pearl Jam
Elton John
Janis Joplin
Miles Davis
Joni Mitchell
Canada’s contributions to popular music
Neil Young
Ronald Reagan
Napa Cabernet


Toots Hibbert
Chicago Soul
Curtis Mayfield
Bo Diddley
Robert Fripp
Joy Division
Marc Bolan
Etta James
Early Miles Davis
Bob Dylan (really)
Jamaica’s contributions to popular music
Neil Diamond
Rock Steady
Lyndon Johnson
German Riesling
Ohio State
Silly me - Here I am sipping my 1985 Silver Oak Cabernet; fondly remembering the Reagan years with Celine Dion singing in the background.

I will now go back and open up a Bernkestler Doctor, thank LBJ for Viet Nam, get yelled at by my wife for polluting the house with Bob Dylan's voice and wonder how in the hell can a team that is ranked number 1 and has been awarded the national championship be regarded as "underrated" (could it be the "bad call" in the end zone?
next August Ohio State will be over-rated and my Washington Huskies will travel to Columbus and kick their ass......but this year they have walked their talk......Congrats to the Buckeyes.

rating art is always a fool's game.....you like it or you don't.....and why doesn't matter much......

just stirring the sh*t a little....
I agree with Mike about rating art, but did enjoy seeing Toots recognized at the top of the underrated list.

Another well known fact about Canada, we managed to somehow contribute far less to popular music than we've been given credit for? If Canada is over-rated obviously we've been in the limelight and no one gave me an ounce of credit. None. Maybe I should write parliament and demand my fair share! Nah, they'd get wind of my demands and tax me for it. Never mind.

Nice to see Abba on the Underrated list *snickers*