Suggestions for small bookshelf speakers?

I want to set up a second system for the bedroom. I have to set a size limitation on the speaker of about 8"x10"x12". I also want the speakers to look pretty nice.

I'm new to bookshelf monitors. Off-hand I'm thinking of Totem Model 1's, Meadowlark Swallow or Vireo, Sonus Faber Concertinos, NHT Super One's, etc. I want spacious sound at low to moderate volumes for jazz, blues, vocals and some rock. I welcome any suggestions.

I'm planning on using a tube integrated amp. Budget for the amp and speakers is around $2K. That means a budget int. amp such as Jolida or S.F. leaving about $1300 for speakers or else a better amp such as Rogue or C.J. leaving about $800 for speakers. Any suggestions on how to balance the cost would also be appreciated.


The speakers will be set on a low dresser about 4 ft. apart. The room is alsmost square, 12' by 14'. The speakers wiil be in the center of on of the shorter walls.
Try these

VON SCHWEIKERT VR 1 (very holographic)
HARBETH HLP3ES-2 (Transparent & Musical)
TANNOY M1 Mercury (Terrifically full range for a small inexpensive speaker)
Spendor S 3/5. Beautiful mid-range. Decent low-end and a soft top-end. Perfect for everything you're asking for except perhaps rock.(Any loudspeaker given this size would not be the best candidate for rock.) However, only 84db effecient, so you'll need some power. I doubt you will have any problems driving them given what's left of your budget and the size of your room. Bill
If you have rear space...the new QUad 11L.....the tweeter and midbass driver each have there own distinct chambers...each with their own port...hence they dont sound "boxy" and small as some monitors..they are very open...with superb imaging,transparency,detail, and very good bass considering the size...with a tube prepared to have your jaw hit the ground...they are that good...and build quality is world class...
Linn Classik with a pair of NHT SuperOne's. You'll come in under $2k and have a killer bedroom system.