VPI Scout and Scout 1.1 Question

I know they went from acrylic platter to the aluminum platter on the Scout 1.1 My question is, is there really a difference in sound quality in music by upgrading from acrylic platter to the aluminum platter?
One person says the new platter gives you
more top end, another suggest the new platter gives you more at the low end. If it does both then does it really do anything?
Harry will tell you yes, I will tell you yes. The acrylic age for Harry was nothing but adding to profits. You would think by now that 'the' material would have surfaced. But no, Harry will be playing this game on your pocket book forever. Don't get me wrong, Harry does make good products, value is another story.
"Upgrading" is subjective here. I believe the change was done for profit and not performance. VPI makes "improvements" like this and then raises their prices while cutting manufacturing costs. The acrylic platter and isolated motor can still be found on their top of the line decks. That speaks volumes to me as far as upgrades go.
If I remember correctly, there were production issues with the acrylic and the cost was going up. The aluminum was less expensive to manufacturer to the desired specs, I believe.