Lamm ML1.1 & ML 2.1


I've the opportunity to heard 2 times the ML2.1 - 18 watts class A - first time on JM Lab Grande Utopia BE and the other one, on Kharma CRM 3.2

I love the sound of the ML2.1 : so natural, so human...

But I don't know the lower priced ML1.1 - the 90 watts -I'm living in France and it's not well distributed.

What differs between both in terms of sound ?

Do you know other amp with this kind of natural sound - at same price or lower !!!!


"but once I got the correct input tube in place"

I am curious as to which input tubes you switched to

I just bought circa 1965 NOS Telefunken ECC 83 rib plates and I was blown away as to how much better the ML 2.1 sounds as compared to the 12AX7 tubes supplied by Vladimir. Mine were Sylvania.

I did research on the tubes and everyone recommended the rib plate vs the smooth plate

I also managed to buy circa 1957 NOS Mullard 12AX7 long plate with square getter halo. I find these to be warmer than the Telefunken but not quite as detailed
If you have the opportunity to audition the Convergent Audio Technologies JL-2 amplifer (100 Watts, Class A, Triode), I would do so. Along with the LAMMs, among the best.
The JL-2 is a completely different beast than the Lamm. My very close friend has JL-2's. I have heard them and find them excellent but in a different sort of way than the ML 2.1.

I would compare the JL-2 to my last amp--Audio Research Reference 600 Mk lll's