Dylan's "Tempest" Dylan haters need not reply

Listening to it now. Reserving final judgement. I'll see how much I'm drawn back to it over the next few weeks. Intial impressions: strong on lyrics, thin on melody. As has been the case over the years and with the various musicians he's worked with since "Time Ouf of Mind" - the band is great. Love David Hidalgo's accordian and the arrangements in general. Sonics on this $10 CD through Amazon are very good. Would like to hear from other Dylan fans what they think about this one.
Thanks for the replies, folks. Interesting comments/insights from Jburidan. Toddnkaya - yes, I've listened to Modern Times. Have quite a bit of Dylan and have really enjoyed his later output (from Time Out of Mind forward). Rpeluso - still exploring "Tempest". I'll certainly be giving Tin Angel another listen.
Footnote on 'Tempest' song: Wikipedia states that the Titanic left port without binoculars on board, which is why the watchmen in the crow's nest didn't see the iceberg until it was too late to avoid the fatal collision.
Its high on list to get. I really like mkst all of dylans more recent albums starting with time out of mind. Dylan actually managed to peak again in his later years and stay innovative not to mention the fantastic band.