What pre to use with Vons and Bryston 2B-SST?

I own a pair of Von Schweikert VR2's with a Bryston 2B-sst driving them. I am auditioning a PS Audio PCA-2 for the preamp and am happy with what im hearing but would like a little "warmer" sound. I dont want to spend more than $2000 on the pre new or used. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
I used to use a ARC LS16 mkI use NOS Mullard and Amperex 6922 tubes. This was matched with a Brytson 3BST driving a VR2 and later a VR4jr.

I was very happy with this set up.

I've since sold the Bryston. The ARC is still the preamp I use but I've since moved on to SET amps.
I havent had the chance to listen to a BAT amp yet but will hopefully soon. Im sure that once i hear one i will be drooling. Im really impressed with BATs sonics. As of now though i am beyond satisified with what i hear, plus adding a BAT amp would require a couple more thousand dollars out of my pocket which could be better spent in other areas of my system i.e. analog. Now your partner, is he using a tube amp or a SS one? and is this person on the 'gon? i havent heard a SET system but ive read its magical. thanks for the post