Preamp with lots of outputs?

What some recommendations for great preamps with LOTS of outputs. The more the better.

03-26-07: Doug_kraz
I have a great sense of humor generally.

Who told you this? Your mother?

And for all you that encouraged Tripper and/or further exaserbated the stupidity-- Bdgregory, Jax2, Jmcgrogan2
go watch the movie JACKASS, and don't ever comment on my threads again.

Who died and made you boss? Why don't you just leave your own thread while we continue to laugh at your perpetual indignance and ignorance. Once you display your lack of character in a public forum, you cannot tell everyone just to 'shut up'.
It's an open forum, if you don't like it you are welcome to leave. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Doug, look at the first 2 replies. I see 2 sincere and polite attempts to answer your question. Your response is to blast both of them. It's a great way to provoke the reaction you received.

Whether your question was stated correctly or not, it's very unusual, and probably most everyone thought it worth clarifiying.

You really need to chill man!
I think we now all know who the Dick is Jax2. FYI the following units from post 4 above--minidisc, cd burner, reel, tivo, vcr, eq, + 5 tape decks ALL RECORD, HENCE THE NEED FOR OUTPUTS FROM A PREAMP MR. DIPSTICK. Additionally, I have received unsolicited feedback regarding the further misdoings of one among you in this post, which is no surprise to me. So if you have any business dealings with any of the above, contact me, so I can tell you which really is the king idiot, and refer you to my source.
My vote is for every negative person to leave this thread, go home & sleep on it. That is my input to the question of outputs.
I can tell you which really is the king idiot, and refer you to my source.

Don't worry, the king idiot is abundantly clear.

03-27-07: Phd
My vote is for every negative person to leave this thread, go home & sleep on it.

I concur. Doug, are you listening?