Personal amp evolution

Seeing the over night success of the speaker evolution thread, it may be interesting to see what type of amp(s) we have all run. Same deal as the other thread-we will sort of create a puzzle of our systems you'll have to visit multiple threads to put everything together!!! ;)
For me I started:
Adcom GFA-565 monoblocks
Rotel RB-990bx
Jeff Rowland Design Group Model 5
Balanced Audio Technology(BAT) VK-60

either a CAT JL2, BAT VK-75se or Tenor 75Wp on the horizon.
Marantz receiver mid '70's, Bryston 2B a short time later and Hafler 9180 ever since 1995. I regret ever letting go of the Marantz. At that time in audio history Marantz owned a lot of the market in it's niche. The Bryston had too little low end as it was 50W, but I liked it otherwise. The Hafler 9180 is a GEM of a performer. Never fatiguing. Never had one problem with it or any other of my amps for that metter. Rockford Fosgate is holding on the the Hafler name and patents and will not re-start the line. I have asked. If I have to ever replace the Hafler (will try to get it fixed first) I will stay with MOSFETS and go with the B and K 200.2. A MOSFET higher watt/current amp running in Class A at low listening levels. Want one NOW but $1600 is too much at this point in time.
Sony receiver
NAD 40 watt
Carver m400?
Carver m500
Rotel 980bx
Conrad Johnson MF2500
Creek integrated
McCormack DNA 0.5
MCCormack DNA 1
Nuforce Ref 8.5
Upgraded to
Nuforce Ref 9 V2
PS Audio HCA 2
Belles 150A Reference
Musical Fidelity Nu Vista M3 Integrated
Sony Receiver ->
Carver M500t ->
Carver M1.5t ->
Adcom GFA-555 ->
Levinson No. 27 ->
Levinson No. 334

I've had the 334 for a little over a decade and aside from Pass Labs haven't heard much that makes me want to upgrade.

Of note is I do NOT like the Levinson sound since the move to the West Coast.
1970-Dynaco SCA-80 integrated (40wpc)
1971-Sony Power TA-3200F (one of the best vintage amps)
1989-Nakamichi Reciever III (37wpc)
1997-Nakamichi Reciever II (50wpc)
1998-Adcom 545II (100wpc/160wpc)
2001-Jolida 302 (40wpc) "human sounding"
2003-Linn Majik (33wpc/66wpc) "spectacular PRaT"
2003-Linn LK 100 (60wpc) "not as good as Majik amp section"
2004-Linn Klout ( 80wpc/160wpc) "simply stellar, my favorite"
2005-Pass Labs Aleph 30 (30wpc/45wpc) "clean and detailed"
2007-Classe CA-100 (100wpc/200wpc) "very musical, powerful full bodied"
2008-Audio Electronics Super Amp MkII (20wpc in Triode) "Cary tube amp, airy musicality"
Here's my amp/int amp/rec'r journey from 1984 to 2012:

1. yamaha M50, crown straight line 1 preamp
2. Sansui AU717
3. NAD 2155, Luxman preamp, Acoustat TNP pre
4. B&K ST140, Acoustat, TNP pre, Music reference RM5 mkII pre & dyna PAS 2
5. Dynaco ST70, Dyna PAS 3
6. McIntosh MC225, Music Reference pre
7. B&K EX442 Sonata - sounded almost exactly like the Paoli's), Music Ref pre
8. Paoli M60 monoblocks, Music Ref pre
9. cj MV50, Music Ref pre
10. Music Reference RM9, Music Ref pre
11. AMC CVT-3030
12. Mac 1900 Rec'r
13. Mitsubishe DA-R7 rec'r
14. Creek 5050 int.
15. Acurus A80, Hegeman Hapi2 pre
16. Early Korneff 6bq5 SE int.
17. John Ecklund PP6bg6 triode
18. Custom KT66 SE int (from ebay)
19. Onix OA-21s
20. ads A-2
21. JVC 80 watt class A int.
22. Musical Fidelity B1
23. Kailin 6bq5 int
24. Rawsonte Brick gainclones, Superphon Rev. Basic Dual Mono preamp
25. Audio Space Mini-Galaxy II
26. John Ecklund PP6bg6 triode - moded
27. Tandberg 3030 receiver

And the most memorable/best sounding: Mac MC225, Korneff, 6bg6, Onix, the B&K's, Paolis, gainclones

And the worst sounding/bigest disappointment: cj (just didn't mate up with the MR preamp & wish I had a PV5), Musical Fidelity B1, Kailin (fans just too darn loud), MAC1900 (great tuner but early SS harsh sounding amp)