Spectron Musician III SE Mk.2? What Changed?

I see at the Spectron site that they have released a Mark 2 edition of the Musician III SE. But there isn't any discussion of what has actually changed in the amp besides the price, which is now $7195 up from $6495. If anyone knows what the new changes are, I would really love to know.
Very odd indeed gents. . . I for one did not deem Spectron's post offensive, condescending, defensive, or otherwise inimical. . . I do agree that it was remarkably light on content, to the extent of being almost tautological. . . yet I found it to be extremely funny. Spectron was experiencing a minor markcom resources challange at the time of the mishap. . . interesting thing is that any even temporary markcom challanges have the tendency to affect corporate communications and public perception. As Spectron is a no nonsense engineering-based manufacturer, rather than a company heavy on lofty marketing suavities, such occasional communications glitches may happen and will eventually recur. From our part we can either chill out. . .or deem ourselves amongst those who can not be happy unless they are unhappy. . . as for myself, I'd rather smile, chill out and enjoy my friends and my music.

Guido D. Corona
Spectron's first post wasn't funny to me the first time I read it, and upon re-reading it, it's still not funny.

No other changes - the weight is the same, the color is unchanged, the frontpale the same, even screws are the same.

I hope it helps,
Spectron (Answers)

We now know that statement was false. And no, it did not help.

Spinning the story doesn't make the reality of the misguided reply go away.

Why Spectron chose to post the official changes in an AudioCircle thread rather than through a press release to the major print and web-based stereo publications, is another mystery. Since the announcement was posted a day ago on AudioCircle, only two members have responded to the thread. The target demographic for a $7000+ amplifier would seem to be concentrated in the Audiogon readership, as has been illustrated by nineteen different Audiogon members submitting posts to this thread.

This is a case study of why marketing ought to be put in the hands of a marketing specialist, and design ought to be left to the designers. That's the positive take-away for Spectron in this thread.


Thanks for putting it so eloquently for us. I think we should all chill out and enjoy the music.

Best Regards,


It takes months to years earning good customers, it takes a brief statement or bad moment to lose them.
I am chilled. I think you are addressing your "chill out" comments to the wrong audience. I really don't think anyone who has commented in this thread is upset, losing any sleep, or least of all not enjoying music because of anything that was said. A few of us are maybe a little puzzled...that's all. If anyone should chill IMO it would first be Spectron who started this by dropping an awkward little bomb and then in a subsequent post offered an unsolicited lecture on what questions we should be asking and what topics we should be discussing. The second group who seem to be acting a little uptight are the posters who hold Spectron in such reverence and act as though we are in church being rude to the preacher rather than just a bunch of guys sitting around the room talking about amplifiers.