Threshold Amp and Sonic Frontiers Pre? HELP

I have a Sonic Frontiers SFL-1 with a Mullard tube and I am considering an amp upgrade to a Threshold S/200 Stasis. I wondering if any of you guys have expirience with SF and Threshold. I've been very happy with a tube pre SS amp combo thus far but I know that a Nelson Pass Amp will give a lot more to my speakers than my BK-ST140.

That being said, I love the BK-ST140. Maybe one of you will convince me to keep it in? I don't know. Any thoughts on that amp with the rest of my system?

I am using a pair of Theil cs1.5 speakers and a Monarchy Audio 18b Delux DAC connected to my computer. I'm using Audioquest Coral IC's and Audioquest Gibraltar speaker cables.

Thanks so much for any thoughts or ideas.
Esteborino, in the early 1980s I had a Threshold Stasis 200 driving a pair of B&W 801s and I thought that it was the best musical sounding solid state amp that I had heard at the time and I still feel that it would hold it's own from a musical standpoint with amps of today. Unfortunately, I traded it away for a Spectral DMA 200 which I later found did not mate well with my other equipment thus the system did not sound near as musical as it did with the Stasis. The Stasis did not have the transistor sound that typically was associated with amps of that genre. Solid state amps today have improved tremendously in this area.
The Stasis 200 will I think definitely improve the bottom end compared to the B&K. I say go for the Stasis.

The S200 is twice the amp of the 140 on all levels if its in good shape[caps].You can also contact Jon Soderberg for his thoughts.Good luck,Bob
Thanks guys. When inspecting the amp what should I look for to make sure it's in good shape? I'm going to be listening for hums and hisses but should I take the top off? And if so what should I look for?

Thanks so much for all of your help!
How are you connecting the 18B to your computer? Is it a lap top? I am considering the same rig.