Balanced Low Power Tube Monoblocks?

I'm interested in suggestions for balanced, low power (let's say 60 wpc or less) tube monoblocks.

For example, the Atma-Sphere M-60.

Power tubes other than 300B are preferred (due to the high cost of NOS 300B tubes)

Almarg- OK, I see your point, but in practice such an amplifier will in fact 'produce an excessively bright response' not due to frequency response variation but due to generation of odd-ordered harmonics.

I apologize for repeating myself often, but the simple fact is that that audio industry is ignoring 45 years of research into how humans perceive sound! Were that research taken into account, I would agree that your statement is correct as today's amplifiers would be different. What amazes me about all this is how the audio industry has stuck steadfastly to design rules that, even while they were being implemented during the 1960s, were already being proven wrong by said research.

What I am talking about is the typical amplifier that you are describing violates the most fundamental rule of how we perceive volume, by exaggerating odd-ordered harmonics. Another way of putting this is that you can be convinced that a sound is a lot louder than it really is if the 5th, 7th and 9th harmonics are tampered with. These harmonics are not only cues to the human ear brain system, they also contribute to brightness- quite literally our ears are more sensitive to these harmonics than they are even to vocal frequencies! So there is almost no way an amplifier like that will not appear to have excessive highs.

This is the fundamental reason why tubes are still around after being declared 'obsolete'...
Excellent points, Ralph, and I think we are now fully converged on this. Thanks!

I would add, though, in relation to the particular issue I raised initially, that a "voltage paradigm" amplifier with very low output impedance that is capable of doubling power into 4 ohms (relative to the power it can deliver into 8 ohms) would not NECESSARILY be either better or worse with respect to odd-order harmonic generation than another voltage paradigm amplifier with similarly low output impedance that is not capable of doubling power into 4 ohms.

Best regards,
-- Al
Almarg, I agree completely. As you have probably figured out by now, I regard the quality of the amplifier by its ability to not enhance these harmonics more than anything else.