Bryston 7bsst vs 28bsst?

Just wondering if anyone has compared these directly? It seems from what I have read that the 28b's have a significant edge over the 7bsst's more than just more power. I have listened to the 7bsst's but not the 28's. If you do not necessarily need the extra power but have the money, is it still worth going with the 28's?

HP sure likes them. Try them first. If the speakers are very inefficient, then they may help. Remember that you only gain 3dB when you double the power though. Jallen
Take a look on Bryston owners circle. I was thinking of getting the 7B-SST2 but decided to keep my 7B-SST and attach a Torus RM15 power conditioner to it. The web link has many discussions about this.