conrad johnson GAT vs ACT 2 series 2

Have any agoners had listening experience with these 2 preamps that would allow you to share your thoughts about the differences between them? i have never seen a comparison. thanks ray

I hope you will get a chance to listen to a GAT before you sell the ACT 2s2. I think "some" may prefer the ACT. It's getting pretty personal at this level. Even the speaker of choice may lead you to preferring one over the other.

I have not heard the GAT but hope to one day. I have found the TOTL CJ preamps to be "best of breed" for me. I do own their ACT 2.2, ART 2 and ART 3.

My systems are balanced to my satifaction now. Could it get better? Maybe. The one thing that gives me pause about the GAT is the solid state (mosfet?) buffer stage. Even though it's not technically a gain stage (good thing IMO), the signal still goes thru it. I have no doubt that the GAT is a world class preamp but I just don't feel the need to make a change.

So, you may prefer the GAT over your ACT and so might the vast majority but I always remind myself when reading opinions/reviews: 95% may prefer the GAT, I might be in the 5% that hears the ART/ACT 2.2 as the better preamp.

Good luck. If you ever get the chance to compare, please let us know what you think. I'd personally be interested.
Hi Onemug

Let us know if you hear it...i can see you are quite experienced with CJ! I have spoken with 3 people who know/liked/owned the ART 3, and all have moved across to the GAT. I know that does not mean you still wont be the 5% who prefers that ART as you say...and i respect that choice entirely!

But if you do hear it, would appreciate to get your thoughts, as i have owned ACT 2, but never heard ART 3. Thanks.

You're a good man. Always enjoy reading your posts.

I mentioned speakers having an influence on the choice. For almost 2 years I had a pair of SF Guarneri Homages and and a pair of Guarneri Mementos at the same time. I ultimely kept the GH's. Knowing what the GM's sounded like, and if I would have kept them instead, I would have tried the GAT for sure.

Should the GAT ever happen, I'll let you know.
Thanks, Onemug. Ditto. FWIW, I know the GHs well...and i tell you, those are one seriously memorable speaker. My favorite of all the SF speakers i have heard/owned. (i have not heard Aidas or the Sonus Faber/Fenice)...but i have heard nearly all others. There is something magic about those GHs. Enjoy.
I have not had good luck with 6922 based preamps which seem to wear out quickly and will most likely stay with the 2.2 . The only pre that has me curios is the simaudio p8 since I have a w7 amp and supernova CDs. Thanks, good listening