conrad johnson GAT vs ACT 2 series 2

Have any agoners had listening experience with these 2 preamps that would allow you to share your thoughts about the differences between them? i have never seen a comparison. thanks ray
Hi Onemug

Let us know if you hear it...i can see you are quite experienced with CJ! I have spoken with 3 people who know/liked/owned the ART 3, and all have moved across to the GAT. I know that does not mean you still wont be the 5% who prefers that ART as you say...and i respect that choice entirely!

But if you do hear it, would appreciate to get your thoughts, as i have owned ACT 2, but never heard ART 3. Thanks.

You're a good man. Always enjoy reading your posts.

I mentioned speakers having an influence on the choice. For almost 2 years I had a pair of SF Guarneri Homages and and a pair of Guarneri Mementos at the same time. I ultimely kept the GH's. Knowing what the GM's sounded like, and if I would have kept them instead, I would have tried the GAT for sure.

Should the GAT ever happen, I'll let you know.
Thanks, Onemug. Ditto. FWIW, I know the GHs well...and i tell you, those are one seriously memorable speaker. My favorite of all the SF speakers i have heard/owned. (i have not heard Aidas or the Sonus Faber/Fenice)...but i have heard nearly all others. There is something magic about those GHs. Enjoy.
I have not had good luck with 6922 based preamps which seem to wear out quickly and will most likely stay with the 2.2 . The only pre that has me curios is the simaudio p8 since I have a w7 amp and supernova CDs. Thanks, good listening

Part of that "magic" you and I hear with the GH's crosses over (for me) with the ARTs.

The GM's sounded great with the "right" ss amp. I have had "the ooohs" with the GH's using 300b SET's, a 300b pp, a Bedini 45/45, and the Pass XA30.5. They seem to bring out the best in each amp.

Same with the ARTs, they have worked well with any of my amps.