Linn Majik DSI into Sunfire 300x2 strange result

I would appreciate any opinions , hints regarding the following scenario I tested the last days and got fuly frustrated. Some background infos first:

My system consists of a Linn Majik DSI integrated streamer (means has own amp) and Wilson Benesch Discovery speakers. Cables are Nordost.

As I assumed the Linn Majik DSI amplification section to be suboptimal for the speakers, I decided to experiment with an external amplifier and picked-up a Sunfire 300x2 opportunity, latest model from 200x (just shortly praised on Arthur Salvatore Readers letters but also on Audiogon). Cable was Neotech copper and I had to use the PRE OUT of the Majik, as this output is the only one subject to its volume control. The WB speakers were connected first on current and finaly on voltage posts, no difference in the phenomenon I will describe below.

For those of you not familair with the Majik DSI sound, I would qualify it as being more on the darker side. Although the sound isn't really bad, I have the feeling that the bass is somehow boomy, uncontrolled.

The result of the Majik+Sunfire combo was an incredible bright/harsh sound with exagerated highs, a more controlled bass, but the highs were so "loud" (even at normal levels) that these seemed to overlay everything. On the other side the Sunfire is known to be an excellent bass performer, ....but the bass was not sooo deep. In a nutshell, I had the impression that the whole sound spectrum was "raised into the higher frequencies" and very agressive.

Switching back to the Majik amp, of course the balanced sound returned.

Any idea if this might be a kind of mismatch between the Majik output and the Sunfire input? Or perhaps between Sunfire and Wilson Benesch Discoveries ( an audioasylum fellow hinted me at an observation done recently by a Sunfire 600 owner that had a very harsh sound with Legacy speakers, a horrible combination obviously). One the one hand I can't believe the Linn DAC/pre section can be so bad (despite its digital volume control) and neither that the Sunfire sounds so harsh/unbalanced...what could be the cause for such a behaviour?

Many thanks to you guys for any hint, opinion...

"The result of the Majik+Sunfire combo was an incredible bright/harsh sound with exagerated highs, a more controlled bass, but the highs were so "loud" (even at normal levels) that these seemed to overlay everything. On the other side the Sunfire is known to be an excellent bass performer, ....but the bass was not sooo deep"

1. are u single wiring from Linn to Sunfire and which spkr output did u use?
Voltage Out is a standard SS output to spkr.
Current Out is for electostats and tweeters. The highs are rolled off.
2. I've found Sunfire 300 amps do not have the deepest bass or "bass slam." (Also depends on spkrs) But the bass to my ears is smooth and "tube like."
3. It may be an impedance mismatch between Preamp an amp. Can u check the Linn's output specs?
4. Are u using the "Normal" unbalanced Sunfire inputs or the Balanced In?
- Reread ur post and see that u have tried both current and voltage outs. Sorry.
- Also, have u tried running Linn direct to Wilsons?
- Are u using the "Normal" Sunfire inputs or "Lab Direct"
- Can u control the gain out of the preamp?
-yes, actually Linn DSI direct to Wilsons was my regular configuration, as the DSI has its own amp....the sound is not bad, but I thought it could be significantly bettered with the Sunfire
- The Sunfire 300x2 I purchased is from the newer generation (front label has "300x2" markup, it has ON/OFF logic on the rear panel) and has no Lab Direct input (:-
- The gain can only be controlled by using the only output of the Linn which is subject to volume control, it is the pre-out. The DSI has a second one, which is like any ordinary source output, but that one needs a preamp. As I have only one source, aquiring a preamp is not an option for me. The volume control on the PRE OUT output is the same of course as the DSI is using when connected directly to the speakers.