What's the sonic advantage of bi-wiring

Hello, I'm running a pair of bi-wireable King electrostatic speakers with a pair of VAC monoblocks. I'm using a borrowed pair of Kimber Monocle XL cables with Audience AU24e jumpers. Can anyone give me an idea of what kind of sonic differences I would hear by using bi-wired speaker cables. I'm thinking about using Audience AU24e cables. Any insight would be helpful.
Are you sure those dual/jumpered posts aren't there mainly for bi-amping, bi-wiring merely an incidental afterthought? Bi-wiring is a relatively recent practice. Bi-amping is not. Adequate guage is what matters. Where are the dual posts when you choose to bi-amp?
I assume Csontos means recent few decades when he says recent practice. I was introduced to the idea of biwiring more than 40 years ago by a high-end shop in Palo Alto, CA when I bought my first Proceed amp and KEF speakers.

Okay, fine. Same question though. However, how many hi-end speakers can you name with that capability 40 years ago? I'm aware of all of them and none had it. Dual posts only came into the picture when bi-amping mods were on the table.
I suppose it depends on how narrowly you define high-end. But what's the point? I think your recency notion is incorrect, but what difference does it make to the question of whether biwiring is efficacious.
