

Responses from amg56

Polite Rules for discussing Audio related things
@elizabeth You forgot to mention that the following, "Why" and "Please provide figures" are not allowed and constitutes Trolling. as I am mostly referred as. 
Micro RX 5000 Renaissance?
My keyboard acts like English is it's 5th language. For those who thought I might be mimicking someone, let me repeat it properly:@edgewear Both my MS TTs and the Kuzma have platter spindle and/or the leg suspensions sitting in a small niche of oi... 
Micro RX 5000 Renaissance?
@edgewear Both my MS TTs and the Kuzma have platter spindle and/or except my the leg suspensions sitting in a small niche of oil. This dampens the negative vibrations and overall, as I have nothing better to compare (Nakamichi which is also oil da... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
But please don't mistake my light heartedness with my not being interested..  I am reading each post. 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Glad to take one for a bit of levity. But the mat thereabouts effect me taking iron tablets? 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Increase the weight of a gunmetal platter? Any one placed a mat under their microwave oven yet? 
@stevecham You say cables matter. That's fine. Some of us would like to hear your reasoning so we can see another viewpoint. However if you read the subject of this thread "DO CABLES REALLY MATTER?" there is no for or against argument in question.... 
@maritime51 They are great. I wish I owned one. AMG just happen too be my initials and I am keeping mine because I had them before MB-AMG :)Yep, I am all ears to audio, possibly not as adept as most seem though. 
Blocking the propaganda
Hi MG. No hard feelings I hope. We choose what we want to learn or are happy with what we have learnt. All cool. 
Micro RX 5000 Renaissance?
@edgewear My BL-91L has the top line MSB-100 feet on it.The plinth was meticulously rebuilt and restored back to original condition and balance. It was then re-veneered with 3 mil South American Mahogany, re-stained and sealed with 4 coats of hand... 
Micro RX 5000 Renaissance?
@rauliruegas I didn't mean to insult you directly. I was trying to point out that saying someone is ignorant, as akin to saying they are uneducated, or lacking knowledge or awareness in general, unsophisticated. I am not going into an English less... 
circle of confusion
@lowrider57 I agree with you 100%. The images on SkyFi Audio web site are clear, a brief detail on what it is and click on it and you get the whole thing. So so much easier and user friendly to use.(and Fernando from SkyFi is one super guy to deal... 
Blocking the propaganda
Audio magazines are like car magazines and so on. Who can rush out to buy the latest Porsche or Lambo because they might be 0.2s faster in the 0-100kph, or that Top Gear drives them.These are a read because we are interested in the hobby. It is no... 
Core Power Technologies
There is no shame in doing your 110% to see a dream come true. The pity is that if we had known upfront what the Deep Core was, how it was too function, how much it may cost and when it was to be available, more of us may have sat and waited.In al... 
Rather than those who ascribe to the idea that cables make an appreciable difference to be announced in capital letters being the believers, I say they are the sceptics, who do not believe that cables do not make the appreciable difference as clai...