
Responses from barbapapa

Tonearm choices
I have a Raven AC with full BN upgrades for more than 10 years. Allways had Da Vinci Grandezza 12´´ . Finally wanted to sell this combo for another one. The first thing I sold thas the tonearm. The tt was long trip to sell so I bought a used SME30... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Wolf is so funny 😂🤣🤩😆😁😄😃😀 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
First listen tonight. I made only speaker cables power pins and RCA.If you remember The Merovingian In Matrix Reloaded : « Putain de non de dieu de bordel de merde »This is that good. 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
How do you know that ? Too much graphene can drive you to be extra lucid ? Or the name « contact » is a reference to this  sf movie with the Great Jodie Foster ? And you are an Alien ? 😃Yes I bought 2 Bybee ARN a week ago and so happy with sound e... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
Hello I took the plunge and bought the TC  2 days ago. I trust OP and all the guys who tried it at home. I don't read the naysayers posts. They can say what they want but as they don’t tried the product it is just useless to me. Hope I receice it ... 
Bybee Active Room Neutralizers
I tried 2 in my room and very surprised also. In a good way . These things wreally work. I don’t know how (and don’t really care) they work but final result is absolutely astonishing. Very happy I dared to try them. 
Which audio component would you like Santa to place under the christmas tree for you?
Thorens TD124 rebuilt by Swissonor with TD10 tonearm. That would be cool 
Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927?
Dear Nandric,maybe you are partly right IMO. Yes myth can sometimes influence judgement, but in many cases, time tells the truth. All the people who have listened and compared old EMT, Thorens, Garrad, etc to some of the best tables of these days ... 
Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927?
I mainly know 3 TTs : Linn LP12 I had for several years, TW Acustic I currently have in my system and the Thorens TD124, that I listened in my system 2 weeks ago.No restored 124 are equal. Personally I heard the Swissonor’s 124 with a 200Volt tens... 
Power line conditioners- to use or not to use? That is the question?
I tried several very good passive conditionners, from Lessloss, Acoustic Revive (1st generation), Bybee Stealth and Bybee Holographic. But the best came for me when I installed the big Torus AVR16 isolation transfo. End of the game for me. 
Isolation Transformers: my experience and concerns
I bought a big Torus and plugged everything in it, incl tubed mono blocs.  Previously I had several very good passive filters (big Lessloss, Acoustic Revive, Stealth, and Bybee Holographic). Since I have the Torus I never looked back.  
The longest you have owned any gear?
Air Tight ATM3 since 1996.still in use today. One of the mono bloc has been for repair 2 years ago (timer for tempo needed to be fixed). Too bad 😀 
Graphene in fuses and cost
Same as me. I have 2 in my tubed monoblocks since last year without any trouble. I also have Beeswax in the pre and very happy with it also 
Bybee Audio tweeks. IQSE
I think it is for magnifying  the effect as it is used for the active room neutralizers as a more effective passive RN. The active RN are connected to the mains but could be activated by a battery with same effect.This is just my deduction, not an... 
Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord?
Do you still believe this guy, again and again and again ?