

Responses from g_nakamoto

Curved and Straight Tonearms
anybody remember the "gerrard zero 100"  turntable? 
mcintosh home theater pre-amp tuners.
scorpio1951, i bought my mx132 from audio classics about 3 years ago from audio classics for $1200.00.  my son gave me the mc602. i bought the mx132 because it was what i could afford.  
mcintosh home theater pre-amp tuners.
i don't have home theater. i only listen to music. i wanted a pre-amp tuner to match the appearance of my 602. most of the pre-amp tuners are the older models. so this is why i bought the 132. 
mcintosh home theater pre-amp tuners.
i use my mx132 for 2 chanell use to match my mc602amp. would this be a good match?  
Record Damage and Conical and Shibata Styluses
i remember back in the early 70's you had the at15s and the at20s. the at20s was handpicked for it's performance to track not 30,000 hz. but more like 40 or maybe 50 thousand hz.  
Anyone Using Bose 901 speakers In A Home Theater?
I'm 64 years old. I don't know too much about high end equipment. all I can say is I bought my 4 901 series in 1971 during the 4 chanell era. till today I still have them so I don't know what I'm missing because I never heard any other high end sp... 
450 Pound Monobloc Amplifier
a half ton is 1,000 lbs! i wonder how many pounds would the mcintosh mc2k amp weigh with it's 3 units? 
Pioneer House Sound from the 70s
back in the late 70's the power race was on. can you imagine 300 watts per chanell for a receiver?  
Most Beautiful Receiver / Integrated - Ever was... ?
i like the marantz 22xx receivers from the 70's.  
Bose 901 Series ii
i have 4 901's. i have 2 for the front and 2 for the sides. this is what was called the "super bose system" back in the 70's.  
Bose 901 Series ii
geofkait, what do you mean by stacking these speakers? 
Bose 901 Series ii
i remember back in the 70's, bose came out with their "super bose system" it consisted of 4 901's and their 1802 power amp. 200 watts per chanell into 8 ohms and 400 watts into 4 ohms. 
Bose 901 Series ii
i have the 901 series 2 also. i have 4 of them. i was young too when i bought them. 
Best AV receiver to use as an AV pre amp
i have a mcintosh mx132 h/t pre-amp tuner for 2 chanell listening paired with a mcintosh amp. is this ok?? i like it. 
Quadraphonic system, La Scala question
I don't have any concerns either. I started back in the early 70's with a Marantz 4300, a phase linear 400, a pioneer pl-51 direct drive turntable with a audio tecnnica at15s shibata stylist, a jvc demodulater for the cd-4 records. I only have my ...