

Responses from g_nakamoto

Phase Linear 700 & 400 series II
also my 400 fried 3 of my speakers with "dc" current. if they were built right with protection, maybe they would'nt be called "flame linears"  
Most Beautiful Receiver / Integrated - Ever was... ?
marantz 4400 with it's scope.  
where doe's the mc602 stand. i think it came after the mc2600.  
Anyone Using Bose 901 speakers In A Home Theater?
back in the early 70's there was 4 chanell and i had 4 901's. i basicly had mine setup as 2 up front and 2 on the sides.  
Anyone Using Bose 901 speakers In A Home Theater?
from 1971 till 1988 i had a 4 chanell system. from 1988 till 2000 it was in storage. from 2000 till now i only listen to music, radio and tv thru my system.  in 2011 i got the mc602 and in 2014 i got the mx132. i only use it once a week. i only bo... 
How could surround sound be used in an audiophile system?
i have 4 speakers for music. but i have my speakers positioned as 2 in the front and 2 on the sides.  
mc2k amps
i was looking at the audiogon website on units for sale. i saw an accufase mono blocks for 70k. I don't remember the wattage output but how do those compare to the mc2k that cost i think 35k each. and what doe's overkill mean? 
Running 4 speakers from a 2-channel amp
i would like to edit my recent comment. today my speakers are connected in parrellel for a 2 chanell stereo system.  
Running 4 speakers from a 2-channel amp
i'm 64 years old and don't know too much about equipment. back in the early 70's i had a 4 chanell receiver with 4 bose 901 series 2 connected in parralell lowering it to 4ohms. in 2000 i bought a mcintosh mc2205. in 2011 my son gave me his mc602.... 
How could surround sound be used in an audiophile system?
i've read many years ago that 4 chanell paved the way to sound delay systems and then to home theater. am i correct on this? 
mcintosh home theater pre-amp tuners.
only reason i bought the mx 132 is because i don't have funds for a separate pre-amp and tuner. being retired and on a fixed income does'nt help any.  
mcintosh mc602
my mistake on the autoformers. sorry! 
Bose 901 Series ii
i was told by a mcintosh dealer that allthough the 901's are rated to handle 270 watts, if you have 4, 2 per chanell, that does'nt mean it will handle 540 watts. this would apply to the original and series 2.  
speakers for mc452
i don't know too much about this. but there's a mcintosh dealer in whittier california in business since the 1950's that likes the martin logan speakers.  
mcintosh mc602
i read that mcintosh has a patent on their autoformers.