

Responses from g_nakamoto

re capping
doe's re-capping depend on how many hours you use your equipment. if you bought a new unit and only use it 8 hours a week. when would you know if you need re-capping? 
re capping
thanks for all the comments. but my last question is, if my system sounds ok should i worry about 'anything'? 
re capping
for the past 6 years i only use my equipment like 6 hours a week. should i worry about the 'caps'?? 
Martin Logan speakers
there's a mcintosh dealer in whittier ca. that's been around since the late 50's or so. they like matin logan speakers.  
re capping
thanks roberjerman. but by keeping my units on 24/7, would'nt the bulbs burn out faster? 
Anyone Using Bose 901 speakers In A Home Theater?
i have 4 bose 901's i purchased back during the 4 chanell era. today i use it in a 2 chanell system. i would think that if you wanted to use these in a home theater setup you sholud have it in a room with no windows because the way they were desig... 
mcintosh home theater pre-amp tuners.
hlg3, i did'nt say that my 4 speakers are 4 bose 901 series 2 speakers. i used to visit a mcintosh dealer to look at there products . he told me that he never heard of a mcintosh amp powering these speakers.  
mcintosh home theater pre-amp tuners.
i am not an audiofile. i'm 65 and bought my first system back in the 4 chanell days which i used all the time from then till 1990 then i took a 10 years vacation from my equipment. in 2000  i did buy a 2205 amp till 2011. then my son gave me his 6... 
McIntosh Mc-500
why would you want to buy a glass faceplate made by some other than McIntosh? i'm from hawaii too!!! 
very little power?
i have a mx132 unit. it's connected to my tv. i don't have any issues with the volume. read you owners manual.  
Home Theater Processor
i don't know too much about proccessors, but the mcintosh mx160 is their latest unit. it doe's cost a lot. i would look into this more before you buy.  
Preamp - Processor for 2 channel music
i've been useing my marantz 4300 4 chanell reciever as a tuner preamp connected to my mcintosh mc602 power amp. untill 2011. the 4300 was getting old so i was looking for a mcintosh pre amp tuner, but they only had the older looking units. so i wa... 
The longest you have owned any gear?
the longest equipment i've had is my 4 bose 901 series 2 speakers which i bought back in 1971. i'm not reaaly an audiofile. i bought my 4 chanell system back in those days when i was like 18 years old.  
stringreen, tomato cans standing up right would be strong but you say put the cans on their sides. that position would cause the amp to smash them. 
stringreen, would'nt the weight of a heavy amplifier smash those little tomato paste cans and make a mess!