

Responses from jadem6

Cable "burning": Real or VooDoo ???
Thanks Angela, I have a bit more now to add. I just spent about a half hour looking through the M.I.T., Cal Poly and Stanford research programs. I recommend any of you who have a true interest in the science of the art to please spend some time at... 
Cable "burning": Real or VooDoo ???
Today was the day, I was finally going to get this cable thing figured out. After been told by an accomplished recording engineer here at AudiogoN that cable makes no difference either scientifically or in any measurable way, I thought I'd look in... 
Cable "burning": Real or VooDoo ???
Hey 7, I've told you twice this past winter. In that you have chosen to not listen, well I think your not worth the effort. You are the worst of the worst in my opinion, and I have no more time for your games Sir. 
Hanging Audio Rack?
O.K. Red, I'm following so far. The shelf of course we've discussed at length and I believe as you do that the Nueance is as good a solution as we've found so far. If we're acceptant of that statement, then the next issue is the interface between ... 
Cable "burning": Real or VooDoo ???
Steve today is an extremely sad day, you have lost all respect. My 13 year old son with C.P. living in a wheel chair with extreme limits on his social interaction has proven to be more grown up than you. I feel very sorry for you "PAL" 
Cable "burning": Real or VooDoo ???
No 70242.241, that's not "the" way to do it. That's "a" way to do it. This is exactly the reason you've been asked to change your aproach. You believe this is the way to do it, there are other ways, to bad you've chosen to not accept that. 
Hanging Audio Rack?
That was exactly what I was wondering, would the school of light vs solid mass come to oppose each other. It seems to me idea one, solid mass would be very easy to achieve if your on the bottom floor with slab on grade or crawl space. I could see ... 
Hanging Audio Rack?
So then, what is the best possible floor for a rack to sit on? Let's say we were designing from scratch. I've always found it hard to believe that a wood floor system with it's giant diaphram is good, and concrete retains too much energy. In the p... 
Cable "burning": Real or VooDoo ???
Richard I think your going in a good direction. I too believe we should ask "possible" questions, and rather than simply dismissing them as so often is the case, we need to explore the theory. 70242.241 has asked the question, I believe meant to s... 
The winters lessons.
Thank-you for the update Greg. I tried the single cone centered under the wire coil with no other cones. I ended up with it moved off center about 1/4". I think it's almost identical to my previose set--up except for maybe adding a bit more colour... 
The winters lessons.
Thanks Dekay, I played around with a number of combinations today/night. With brass cones up or down the sound opened nicely but I found a bit too much treble energy. My system is tuned to the edge of bright/ fatiguing. I tried BDR cones up and do... 
The winters lessons.
here's a quick update Gregm. I've been playing with some different weight options on my pre-amp power supply and the pre-amp it's self. As you had predicted, by adding 7 lbs (an Iron cat doorstop) above the transformer created a bit better focus. ... 
Virtual system revisited
Thank-you to Cornfedboy for his help in pointing out that this idea was indeed implamented. I had no idea, so this is maybe the worst post ever. If any of you out there also didn't know of this feature it can be found at the opening page and click... 
Virtual system revisited
Yes Kelly I know that as I stated in my post. I also stated that the discusions died and I was wondering if it needed a push. AudiogoN had ststed in there own "beta test" post that they were going to roll this out, that being about 45 days ago. Th... 
How much does your system retail for?
about $37,000 but I refuse to actually add it up. I know I can't afford that much.