

Responses from jadem6

Blind Listening Tests?
70242.241, How could there be an inverse relationship between price and proformance? I thought you just finished enlightening us on how there can be NO difference. Kind of proving yourself to be a bit two faced, huh. CHAH! 
Attention Scientists, Engineers and Na-s
Thank-you Jerie, and might I add that the products I've owned with separate power supplies all have had very different umbilical cord designs. Some extremely stuff and well insulated and others tightly wrapped. Every one has discussion in there ma... 
Changing Amps?? Are you Sure??
I too agree, but with two caveats. First that certain amps/pre-amps and speakers are meant to go together. Your quads are exceptional speakers, but from what I understand a tough match for an amp. The second thought is maybe even more on point. Th... 
Psychological audio, proceed slowly
Wow, I'm very suprised at the feedback. Thank-you for the comments along with the votes, at least I understand your objections. As for the purpose of this post, I thought it would be worthwhile to laugh at ourselves and how serious we tend to get.... 
Power Cord For Audio Research gear
So nice to have your brilliants back 70240.241. I thought you and Steve had told us you were leaving because we're all to dumb for your great minds. And to think I trusted you two, Chah! 
Impulsive audio purchase
That's great Noonen, and yes I hate to say it but I tend to do that alot with the ease of the internet. Once I get it, it sheepishly sits in a corner or cabinet untill I finally sell it. Only problem is I can never find myself to buy it from mysel... 
Where To Buy Ceramic Insulators?
I bought mine at a Architectural salvage company. I have also used the glass insulators from the old telephone poles, found them at antique stores. 
The winters lessons.
So Greg, do you think the vocal quality has improved? I'm thinking the dictionary has somehow helped in the pronunciation, thus giving tighter image. 
Speaker Placement
Redkiwi, you refere to the female vocalist with "This is what I call too much body and not enough outline." I think I call that fat! Where as alot of well placed female body is always welcome. (there now you can call this post RHUBARB, and you can... 
SACD Dominates Recommended List
Nicely stated both Onwhy61 and Ken. I agree to keep moving forward and support progress. I also agree that the sound quality to the average person is not great enough for the masses to support the technology outright. What I'm hoping is the trend ... 
Speaker Polarity Testing
It's safe Megasam, and yes it's possible. Some equipment does reverse polarity, but the manual should tell you if that's the case. Otherwise there is a test for this on the XLO "test & burn in disk". There are probably other disks with this te... 
Speaker Placement
Once they've stopped "creeping" (yea, I know what you mean) you might check the thread I posted "the winter lessons" to see some thoughts on other things to concider. I have found that speaker placement works very much in harmony with the entire s... 
Speaker Placement
Dekay, A friend of mine has a very casual set-up in that his wife seams to think speakers 4' into there 14' livingroom is too obtrusive. Chah Spouses. We worked with the white noise on his room and ended up with a speaker location that fit both th... 
What s behind your chair?
Out of the extreme jealousy I have for Angela and her husband, I've found the only way I can deal with it is recognizing I have the Pacific Ocean behind my listening position. O.K. is 1600 miles behind, but I'm talking survival here. 
SACD Dominates Recommended List
Great post Mes, thank-you for sharing your results. I agree that in audio there are a few great changes that come as a real bargain. IMO SACD players are an amazing value. It's exciting to think of where this technology will lead over the next yea...