

Responses from jadem6

Power Cord For Audio Research gear
Chah! Steve I wish you would tell us the real reason you may be leaving. Is your vote total a bit down? 
The winters lessons.
Gregm, how did you do the one cone? Do you mean you just raised that end? I've also thought about putting a weight on the power supply in that it is a fairly light component. By the way, water in a shallow dish over a tube pre-amp is an extremely ... 
I have written about the Whale vs. a number of very high end cords on a post called "the winter lessons". This in my opinion is the best value in audio, please see my post. J.D. 
Speaker Placement
Great idea Redman,I began my placement process by following the 1/3 or 1/5 rule. I started with the speakers 1/3 of the length of my room from the wall in front of me. I then took 1/3 off that dimension to determine the distance from the side wall... 
The winters lessons.
Good question Ken, and I'm not sure I can fully answer it without some assumptions. The P300 was the last component to arrive and therefor has had the benefit of all the footer tweaks. I have however played with the stock cords and P300 alone and ... 
The winters lessons.
Tweaks: I've tried a few this year, the Audio Additive Vibration Control panels (anti-vibration sheets) recommended and sold at Music direct did nothing that I could hear. Cardas Caps, well... if you've done everything else to quite your system ..... 
The winters lessons.
Power supply:I should start by telling you I live in a very quite suburb, (the closest commercial area is over a mile and a half away) and we're16 miles from downtown Minneapolis. We have a power sub-station within a mile and we are the last house... 
The winters lessons.
Footers and shelves;I tried the BDR pucks with the BDR cones, both Type 3 on my SCD-1, pre-amp and amp. On the SCD-1 and pre-amp the sound was dark and slow but had a bit more detail. The amp the base was good and detail was the best I'd had to da... 
Speaker wire is it science or psychology
Oh yea, one other thing Kd, I tried to warn Elizibeth when she first tried silver wires. Your caught and there is no going back. I know your already eyeing some $100 interconnects on auction. Good-luck and welcome to my addiction. 
Speaker wire is it science or psychology
Nice job Kd, I think you may be on to something here. Now how to show it so those who need something on paper, something on a read-out. It's not understood enough to know what to test for or how to conduct the test. As I've been trying to say, but... 
Attention Scientists, Engineers and Na-s
In discussions of scientific theory Stephen Hawking states that "any physical theory is always provisional, in the sense that it is only a hypothesis: you can never prove it. No matter how many times the results of experiments agree with a theory,... 
Attention Scientists, Engineers and Na-s
If you read my post in "blind tests" you would know I've done quite a bit of testing. I'm sure my procedures will not meet your criteria in that you insist on your point. With that said, I'm done with you and Jostler for the time being. If anyone ... 
Believers VS. nonbelievers???? GEEzzzzz
Oh that was so informative and helpful Jostler. Thank-you for you scientific conclusions. 
Attention Scientists, Engineers and Na-s
That's wrong Jostler. I have now had over ten people come and listen to my system, I've then taken out the cords and conditioner and put in the stock cords ( you can read elsewhere my process that's been said to be overkill). I have had amazement,... 
Attention Scientists, Engineers and Na-s
O.K. Steve, if it's not the power supply and it's effect on the audio signals in our amp. or source (which you did not mention) and the cords, conditioners, etc. are not effecting anything in the signal, than how do you explain the added noise, lo...