
Responses from jibbonacci

Dynaudio C1 with more impact
I'd consider the C2s on audiogon the only problem is that I live in Canada so I'll most likely get dinged with high shipping plus duty/tax.To be honest I didn't think my room was that big to need floorstanders so I didn't even consider them but no... 
Dynaudio C1 with more impact
I consider slam exactly how Fix1bxn described it, and it does make sense that volume is needed for that. So I think first I'll try a higher power amp and a bit more volume and see how that is.The "slam" that Cdc mentioned I totally get from the C1... 
Dynaudio C1 with more impact
The recommendation to look into floorstanders for more slam or impact makes sense. I haven't considered them because I though they needed a much larger room and they'd be a little harder to place. Another question regarding pressurizing a room eve... 
Dynaudio C1 with more impact
Thanks for all the responses. Sounds like the best thing to do next is to try out a higher power amp. I did try a Simaudio integrated but I wasn't a big fan (it sounded a little too cold or sterile for my taste).Also I didn't spend too much time i... 
Dynaudio C1 with more impact
Thanks James. My room is about 19x15x8, so I'm not sure if it's considered medium size. The C1s would cost me about 6000 new with stands.You mentioned dynamic swings... Is this something that a good power amp would help with, or does it have to so... 
Dynaudio C1 with more impact
I appreciate the feedback Toetapfactor, and I'm just wondering what you think a speaker needs to do well in order to reproduce rock/metal. My problem is that this isn't the only genre I listen to, that's why I'm looking for something better all ar... 
Dynaudio C1 with more impact
Toetapfactor: I don't listen to only heavy metal, that's just one of the genres I enjoy listening to, and granted I have quite a few albums. Like i said though I loved the C1s when listening to Pink Floyd and the likes, I was just sitting there en... 
Dynaudio C1 with more impact
Thanks Xti16.My dealer's pretty good and he will let me audition them home I just want to make sure I don't waste his time. I don't have an amp currently either and I was looking at getting the Cary from them as well. The amp was plenty loud to me... 
Amp for Dynaudios
Keithr: did you by any chance compare the C1 with the contour s1.4, I'm trying to figure if almost double the cost is worth it. The BAT looks really good I just don't have any dealers around to audition it. Could you give me a bit of a description... 
New preamp: lamm ll2 or Cary slp 05
Thanks everyone for the comments and it does make sense. However I'm not exactly sure how to isolate the speakers I want since they'll alway be playing through a specific amp/preamp. I guess I should choose the speaker and amp first and then focus... 
Amp for Dynaudios
Toetapfactor: thanks for that comment. I guess I should remove any bias I may have towards tube guitar amps and just go in without any expectations when auditioning various amps. 
Amp for Dynaudios
Thanks a lot for the responses. I'll have to look into some of the suggestions, but at least it looks like a decently powered tube amp should be able to drive them. I'm not sure how it works in the audiophile world, since I'm just starting to get ... 
spakers for various genres
Thanks for the replies everyone, I'll have to check out those speakers.I don't have a budget in mind since I usually like to buy the right thing the first time around even if it means paying more. However I have a target of around $3500 for the sp... 
new amp choices
Hens... thanks for the speaker recommendation, I'll have to spend some time to research them.The Dynaudio's were powered by a Pathos Classic One, which at 70 watts doesn't seem like a whole lot of amp and it didn't have any problems driving them. ... 
new amp choices
Thanks a lot for all the responses so far, and what you said does make a lot of sense so I think I'll focus on finding the speaker I like first.Tonight I went by a local audio shop and I tried some Dynaudio and Elac speakers, and for a first impre...