

Responses from knollbrent

Is a GREAT turntable under $2000 possible???
Thank you everyone for your comments and suggestions. I've purchased the Technics Sl 1200 Gr. I'm currently looking for the Zu modded Denon 103 for my cartridge but Zu is sold out. Will aquire with them too regarding a suggested phono pre. 
Is a GREAT turntable under $2000 possible???
Excellent advice everyone. Thank u Peter @pbnaudio for the headsup! 
Is a GREAT turntable under $2000 possible???
Is the Japanese Technics version ok with the adapter or should I order a different one? Dont want to introduce excess noise???Thanks for your help. Quite excited  
Is a GREAT turntable under $2000 possible???
I just purchased the Technic SL 1200 GR from Jspan for $2100.I'm thinking the Lehman black cube statement and the Orotfon Quintet Bronze Cartridge will pair nicely. All highly recommended.  The Technic has been around for a long time. Solid choice... 
Is a GREAT turntable under $2000 possible???
Very interesting everyone. Really enjoying the comments and researching the components and learning more about how the system runs. For my first trip into Vinyl I wanna keep it simple, most likely new and between $2000 to $3000. I know I'll need h... 
Is a GREAT turntable under $2000 possible???
How about new everything $3000??? 
Is a GREAT turntable under $2000 possible???
Wow, what great suggestions. Leaning toward... Marantz TT15s- Open box $1250Lehmann black cube statement $500Might be a nice place to start??? 
Is a GREAT turntable under $2000 possible???
Thanks @jsm71  I'll look into the Marantz TT as well.  
Is a GREAT turntable under $2000 possible???
Thanks everybody for your time and suggestions. I'm looking into your suggestions. The Technics is old school, I like that a lot. Music Hall 9.3 looks very good as well. I'll keep my eyes to the used turntables to see if I can get a steal there! 
How good are the Audience Au24 SX speaker cables?
I'll be getting my Au24's back from Audience this week. They underwent repair and upgrade. I've always enjoyed these cables along with their power chords and interconnects. Looking forward to hearing the upgrade! 
One of the best HDMI cable?
I just purchased the Wireworld Starlight Usb 2.0 A to B and the Wireworld Starlight 7 Hdmi. Both outstanding and fairly priced! 
One of the best HDMI cable?
Thank you all for chiming in with the HDMI brand suggestions. I just returned a $26 USB 2.0   A to B cable that runs from my Mac Mini to my dac and got a $5 one off from Amazon and I swear the expensive one sounds better. The cheap one is awful in... 
Tekton Double Impacts
@corelli Low end is fantastic on the Electrons... 
Is Tidal in trouble?
@grannyring I’m streaming Tidal HiFi with my mac mini and a usb Scott Nixon tube dac. It’s pretty good, convenient. I haven’t been having trouble with the remote apps but that’s another situation. I was researching best "streaming" HiFi on google ... 
Tekton Electron speakers powered by McIntosh
@david_ten Yes david_ten I've wired the Electrons to the McIntosh amp and pre, it sounds amazing as expected. The C2200 pre from McIntosh is a legendary preamp in my opinion BUT without having a "perfect" room, the Anthem with the ARC makes up for...