
Responses from mickeyb

Break in blues
Had a vintage Sansui tube amp recapped and when it broke it was like I just started an acid trip. It was that severe. Went from bland to 3D. Took about 100hrs. There were over 30 oil caps and re-stuffing of the power caps but man did it make a dif... 
Could I be a Retail Wretch?
It’s low rent to use this guys time, knowledge and equipment and not even ask him to price match. He values you as a customer and you do not reciprocate. I’m a GC and people ask me for itemized bids just so they can shop their job out and have my ... 
A very good ENGINEERING explanation of why analog can not be as good as digital..
Hitler was into goth and death metal. My grandparents told me. That’s why they left Germany.  
Audiogon member suggestions for a speaker that sounds good at low volume!!!
Agree with ebm. Get headphones. No speaker sounds good at that volume.  
Got a pair of JBL 240Ti - mint condition, very nice.
Then they are not mint or perfect. I’d sell them for 500. 
Speakers near fireplace
Fires radiant lots of heat outward that’s why you have a fireplace. The shallower the box, the more outward heat. I have my speakers on both sides of my fireplace but there about 4’ from the firebox on each side. I’ve had no problems. I can’t tell... 
Suggestion for best stereo amp ?
The new Jeff Rowland class d amps..The best I’ve heard and gorgeous to boot.  
Affordable integrated pure class A?
Cayin h-80a. 80 watts of pure class A. Can be had used for 1600-1700$. I have one and love it.  
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
Some tubes and high efficiency speakers should do. Tubes to me are always non-fatiguing and high efficiency speakers always work well with them. You should be able to attain a nice low listening level with them. Good luck.  
Pre-Amp vs. Integrated...why?
Got a lounge phono preamp in to a Sansui tube receiver. I did this because the phono pre on the sui was garbage. It now sounds great. The lounge cost me 300$.  
Warmer sounding Solid State
Anything class A leans towards the warmer sound you’re looking for. Pass labs, luxman or accuphase class a will suit you but expensive.  
Good FM tuner for around $1K
Old kenwood tuners some of the best I’ve ever had. Sansui, accuphase, luxman and McIntosh awesome as well. You should do very well on your budget.  
Drink of choice for serious listening?
Mccallam single maltlagavulin island malt sapphire and tonic Amstel lightThe more I drink of any of the above libations the louder the music gets and the more upset my wife becomes.  
Whats the FATTEST sounding Tube amp to warm up Lean speakers?
Agree with several responders. Old McIntosh or Conrad Johnson tube amps with English nos tubes. Good luck .  
Your Forever Pieces? What and Why?
1964 Sansui 1000a tube receiver. 50wpc beast completely restored 2 yrs ago. 1978 Thorens td-125 mark ii turntable w/sme 3009 arm and Shure v-15 cart.. i just love the sound of this tt. 2 great vintage pieces I’ve had for decades.