
Responses from peleg

EVS modded Minimax DAC...original
I'm sure it'd sound better but this would be a much cheaper improvement. Besides, I'm thinking this same mod could be done to the Plus w/ equal good results. Thanks for the response. 
Strada, VMPS or Fritz?
My listening room is odd. 9 by 13 w/ an 18ft ceiling and flat not cathedral. I have a McCormack DNA 1 w/ Rev.A mods. Eastern Electric Minimax DAC directly driving the amp, VMPS passive subwoofer also driven by McC. amp. I am using B&W 802s (ci... 
Best short-lived band?
2 questions concerning Gallo Stradas
Thanks for the response. I posted this question elsewhere and they said the same as gotta get a sub. I've got a great VMPS sub that is being driven by my McCormack DNA-1 amp (Rev. A) which is also driving my B&W 802s (circa 1981). Th... 
Meridian 508.24 Laser availability?
Here's one I found if you're up to installing it yourself (Phillips CDM 12.5): 
What's the best Tube DAC you have heard?
Actually, one more question for you, how does that Mullard sound? Is it real sweet and warm or what. Thanks again. 
What's the best Tube DAC you have heard?
Hey mofimadness, where did you get your op amps? Those are the same ones I am going to get. I've also noticed that many times there is an extra letter designation following the numbers you give for the op you know what those numbers/lett... 
One more question, what do the other letters like AU or AP etc mean at the end of the op amp number? Are any of these 2604s good for the minimax? 
Mfsoa,Where are you finding this op amp or other choices. I've some but am curious as to which site you are referring to. Thanks. 
The OFFICAL Apple TV thread
Coming at this thread late in the game and this will be my first post. I have an A-TV and loved it. I would import all my CDs as AIFFs to my iMac, which is in a different room, and using an Airport Express I'd wirelessly send this to the A-TV. Use... 
Success Rolling Opamps in EE Minimax DAC
There is. It's an update to an update. Here's the link: