
Responses from ptmconsulting

Best Diana Krall
Does anyone really listen to her anymore? I don't know about you, but as good as her albums sound, I am really burnt out on her.Probably the last thing I want to hear at an audiophile show or at a dealer or at a club meeting. 
The best "imaging" speakers?
A few years ago everyone was pumping line source speakers as imaging champs, like the Pipedreams and such. They imaged very good side to side and front to back and had dynamics like a Klipshorn, but the size and scale of the image was way too big ... 
The best "imaging" speakers?
I've found that imaging is mostly a factor of proper setup, proper room treatment and overall room acoustics. Most speakers will image if the above are addressed correctly. Yes, the speaker plays a part after that, but until you have those other 3... 
Listening chair suck-out
Definitely look for a chair that does not extend higher than your shoulders. Your head should not have anything immediately behind it, otherwise you will hear that suckout.Enjoy,Bob 
What's better than FIM power cords
Check out the Kaplan Cables over at A new entry into the upmarket PC's that have a lot going for them. 
DIY interconnects ... found MUCH success
Thanks for the pictures Timtim. Now I need more details on the construction ... - how many and what type wires + and -?- you inserted them flat but then rolled them after insertion - how does that maintain the 3/4" spacing?- what kind of cotton wa... 
DIY interconnects ... found MUCH success
Yes, please send us links to source materials, construction details, parts lists, and pictures if possible. 
Musical full-range in the $3-4K range used?
From the tone of your post and comments on choices it souonds like you want a warmer and more "musica;" speaker rather than something hi fi sounding and overly detailed.The Sonus Faber clearly fits that bill, as does the Opera Callas. Both make be... 
Scoutmaster Isolation
Put the TT on another shelf, then put some squash balls between that new shelf and the glass shelf, effectively isolating one from the other (or you could actually buy a Ginko Cloud and use it).Enjoy,Bob 
Racquetball isolation platform perfection
I made something similar under my turntable. Basically my TT sits on a butcher block, then I put 9 squash balls under that, then there's another butcher block floating in a sand box. I didn't route out any cups for them though.Try the squash balls... 
Koetsu vs Dynavector
Hey - I've got those pillows too!Only wish I had the same picture of palm trees outside my window - way too cold this past week.Enjoy,Bob 
DIY? How to get feet wet?
I would sugegst finding a kit project that most people recommend for a beginner, sich as the Bottleheads or Hagerman stuff. Get a decent soldering iron and good solder. I would also recommend a decent multi-meter. Then just go for it. Read up on t... 
"Already Free" - Derek Trucks Band
I only see a 12 track version. Where do you see 15 tracks? 
Subwoofers - Front Firing vs. Downward Firing
9rw - home theater based mid-fi? Your ability to read is clearly as bad as your ability to (not) listen. 
"Already Free" - Derek Trucks Band
Songlines was an amazing CD in its own right. If this one is along the same lines then I'm putting it on my list.BTW - 9.99 at Amazon as well.