
Responses from ptmconsulting

Hansen Emperor vs......
I've heard the Prince's in a private home and all I can say is that they are a true reference grade speaker. They will be completely transparent to the source, which means you need very high quality stuff to use with them. If it sounded screetchy ... 
List : Components with high dynamics
There's macro dynamics (big booms) and micro dynamics (the pluck on a guitar string). I get good dynamics (of both kinds) with my McCormack amp and relatively efficient speakers (@90db efficient). But I have never heard dynamics (of both types) do... 
recapping or don't?
One caveat with the Russian teflon's as a bypass. In my experience I liked them a lot on the tweeter, but they were too forward on my mid/bass driver. Also, too much of a good thing can be too much. I would suggest using them on the primary in lin... 
Effective AC power conditioners for digital??
I think digital, especially, can benefit from cascading styles of power conditioning and filtering. Chokes, caps, balanced power transformers, etc. all deal with AC line noise in different ways. They also serve to isolate digital nasties from othe... 
Preamplifier power supply
I have an AudioPrism Mantissa preamp. It's getting a bit long in the tooth now, but still a very nice product overall. It has an external power supply. There was also an upgraded version that had a beefier power supply available.Now AudioPrism has... 
Phono Stage Advice
High output version ... with a Hagerman Trumpet phono stage. Beautiful, fast, detailed and overall musical.Enjoy,Bob 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
That's why I went with Corian some years ago. Good looking, not too bad to work with, fairly easily shaped, very dead and dense with good mass.Enjoy,Bob 
Most achingly-beautiful music
Persephone has some great vocals and feel to it. I also like the previous track and that killer guitar solo over a sparce instrumental background. Soul searing.Enjoy,Bob 
My Moerch DP6 has a string on a spring kind of anti-skate mechanism that is progressive in nature. It pulls on a point attached to the base of the tonearm, so that the force exerted increases as the tonearm base pivots and the arm moves more towar... 
How much $ in TT to better my MBL stuff??
Probably a whole lot less than you've already spent on your MBL CD player. I would suggest dipping your toe into the TT marketplace with something used in the $2000 range or less, including cartridge. You can then see if a larger investment is war... 
Help with Low Level hum in phono
Generally I'd suggest you check the routing of your cables as well. Make sure signal wires are not near AC wires, especially the wire from the tonearm to the phono pre. Enjoy,Bob 
burning in capacitors for phono stages
A typical CD player sends out 2 volts. If you had a passive preamp you would immediately see that the volume full open would be way too loud. Typically a preamp will send out a lower voltage since the volume would be turned down to a "reasonable" ... 
burning in capacitors for phono stages
Just make that capacitor bundle with a male RCA on one end and a female RCA on the other. Plug it into the back of your CD player and run an interconnect between the other end and your preamp. Run the CD player for 100 hours and you've got burn in... 
Preamp for McCormack DNA500
If you can find one, the Audio Prism (or Red Rose) Mantissa preamp mates really well with McCormack amps. Yes, it's tubed. I know there are several posters with this combo (including myself) that wouldn't dare change a thing.It has been around for... 
VPI TT Belts
There's been lots of discussion on this topic. You may want to search for it here and on other forum's as well. However, I think the prime consideration is to find a string/thread that does not stretch and that has minimal or no slippage. Dental t...