
Responses from ptmconsulting

Mapleshade Silclear
I recently went over everything with acetate (nail polish remover), then alcohol and removed all my Silclear in the system. I then applied TVC and haven't looked back. I had it everywhere and never had a problem.Silclear has been very good to me o... 
Preamp for McCormack DNA-125 Gold? Budget $2k
Get yourself a good, transparent tube preamp. There's a few of us here who run McCormack amps with Audio Prism Mantissa pre, or a Red Rose if you want to pay the name premium. Hard to find but they do come up for sale from time to time.There are c... 
Ultimate test of your system image
When I first got this CD and played it I got up and looked out the livingroom window to find out what the neighbor's dog was barking about. It really sounded like it was coming from across the street.Fun CD. Gotta love Ambisonics for things like t... 
What is the one CD you can't find?
When I come across a CD that I "NEEEED" and can't find it in the usual spots I look on www.GEMM.comI can usually find most anything there, CD and vinyl and tape. The rare ones can pack a pretty premium though.Enjoy,Bob 
Zero Stat Gun
I always thought it was a squeeze away from the record, them one slow release onto the record as it is spinning. At least that's the way I've been using it (successfully) for many years.Bob 
resolution and imaging
"Laugh" - I've heard this oversized imaging on a lot of line arrays. It's like Nat King Cole's nose is 3 feet high and 2 feet wide right between the speakers. The sax stands 8 feet tall, etc.Yes, the spaciousness is precise and the dynamics are gr... 
How do you level your turntable?
I used a small, straight level, not a bubble level. You need to measure in all directions - back-front, side-side, and both diagonals.First on the table, then on the plinth, then on the platter (just spin it slightly to get all angles).Enjoy,Bob 
Newbie Analog High Expectations??
Definitely look at the used markets as well as the new. There are a LOT of great used TT's and cartridge combinations out there that you can get at the same price. And you would be helping to keep the money supply circulating also :-)Don't forget ... 
break in tips
You can make things easier on your ears, and sound relatively lower in volume, by switching the leads on one speaker so they are reversed from the other (i.e. reversing the polarity on one). Then you turn and face the speakers at one another, keep... 
Vpi plinth blueprint for alternate material?
I think you could just take simple measureents and make your own. Here's a suggestion on what I did with Corian:,Bob 
What makes for a GOOD turntable.
The answer to your question is easy. The implementation is hard.A good turntable does 2 things: - it keeps external vibrations from affecting the sensitive cartridge as it reads the groove - it maintains a stable speedOf course there are other fac... 
looking for solutions to turntable platter static
You could also get a Zerostat. 
Your combination:AC isolation/condition devices
You could contact Jon Risch over at Audio Asylum about his filters. He may be able to provide some of the details you seek.I would contact Occam over at Audio Circle about the Felix.Good luck,Bob 
Your combination:AC isolation/condition devices
I believe that each filter I have implemented addresses different areas of AC noise. I can't say which frequencies, and I don't have an oscilloscope to see just how effective they all are. But I can say that I can hear differences with each one in... 
Your combination:AC isolation/condition devices
I've implemented the following chain of PC's for my DAC:- Jon Risch power conditioner (choke and cap filtering and varistors for surge supression), into- Jon Risch digital isolation transformer (configured as a step down transformer w/ a cap filte...