
Responses from riffer

VPI Dustcover Information
Good information. 
Cartridge & phono stage for VPI Scoutmaster setup?
I just set up a friend's Scout with a Dynavector 20XH and Dynavector phono stage. He seems pretty happy.I use an Ortofon Rondo Bronze and Trigon Vanguard II/Volcano II combo with my Scout, which might be within your total budget.I wonder if there ... 
cantelever not straight, advise please.
I have just as many problems with new cartridges, to the extent that I will only purchase a new cartridge if the dealer has it in stock and I am able to examine it myself. 
cantelever not straight, advise please.
Part of the risk you take in buying a cartridge.Ask for a close up photo of the cantilever and ask specifically if the cantilever is straight and not twisted.That being said, unless the cantilever is making contact with part of the cartridge it sh... 
vibration and resonance
Do you have the rubber washers between the nuts & the shelves like the salamander racks do? 
vibration and resonance
Both dynamat and cork stink.Don't throw good money after bad. If your rack "rings", I suggest you go with something by the established manufacturers. I have a Salamander Archetype with cherry shelves that I am happy with, but would also look at Ca... 
Where are the female Audiophiles?
Just to add to what Pzuckerman said, if you don't think that women can be technical, ask them to figure out a phone or pick the optimal phone plan. I have absolutely no idea about either, yet every woman I have ever met has an inate understanding ... 
Budget Tuner Recommendations
I've had the Sansui TU-217 and 317 in my system. Very good for the price. 
DAC connection to PC with USB
Also, maximize the volume while you are doing what Blindjim recommends. 
PC based music server from TAS
I have to admit, I felt the same as you until I added a Slimdevices Transporter to my system. Before that I was using a fairly inexpensive USB DAC, the Stereo-link. It's not that it was bad, it was just a little dry to my ears. Same basic stuff as... 
Where to find Taiyo Yuden discs
The disc will only burn as fast as the drive. So there should be no problems using a disc with higher specs than required.Just in case any Canadians are reading this thread, here is a reliable Canadian source:http://www.blankmedia.ca/prodsubcats.a... 
tester calibration
I wasn't aware it was that difficult to calibrate these. Do you have the manual? 
Turntable advise for an analog novice
Like Arch7 said. Save a few more bucks and shoot for a used Scout.You may be able to upgrade the cartridge as a first step. 
Stereophile or Absolute Sound
Stereophile, because they do some measurements as part of the review.UHF is my favorite though, because of their excellent technology and music articles. 
New update for VPI tables
Lol!Update of the month. Harry really knows how to churn sales :)