
Responses from riffer

Is there a optimum lenght for power cables?
Lol! Don't fall for the dealer's nonsense.Learn how to terminate your own power cables, as I did, and make them the exact length to avoid the cable jungle. I have power cords from 1' to 5' in my system and to my "golden ears" they all sound the sa... 
why don't they get it?
I was told the bathroom was filthy.I went in, looked around, and had no clue what she was talking about.I guess I just didn't "get it". 
"Great RCA interconnects under $100?"
Pawlowski6132:"Just like anyone can buy a watch for < $100"What a perfect anology for the naysayers. You can pay over $100 for a watch, but because even the cheapest watch has a quartz mechanism, your $100+ watch will not be more accurate :) 
Effects of no ground in wall outlet
No effect. Just make sure your surge suppression doesn't rely on a ground to divert spikes.My house also has no ground, not even a conduit to ground to. I recommend, if you have the chance, to spend the money to rewire. Just safer that way, and wh... 
"Great RCA interconnects under $100?"
I have Cardas Golden Reference as my main set, with BL-1's as my backup. The BL-1's are excellent cables. 
The dumbest thing you ever did to your stereo?
I heard that bare wire was superior to bannana's and spades, so I stripped the speaker wires and connected them up. Unfortunately, the stripped section was too long and I crossed the wires and blew out one channel of my amp. $300 later, I put the ... 
lack of interest
I put an add on Canuck Audiomart for unterminated Crosslink Interconnect and DH Labs Power Plus. Already cut up in various lengths for projects I never finished. I had buyers crawling over each other to get them. I now have an add for a mint set o... 
VPI Aries clicking sound...
If you pull the motor too far away from the platter, you can put too much horizontal force on the pulley/axle/motor bearing. This caused click with my Scout. 
Rogue Stealth vs. Monolithic PS/HC vs. Black Cube
I have owned the Rogue and the Monolithic Sound and there wasn't much to choose between them. Perhaps a slightly richer sound with the Rogue.Both were easily bested by the Trigon Vanguard II I am using now. 
How to Separate and Insulate AC and IC cables
If your cables are properly shielded, I wouldn't worry about it. What I do know is, that if there is a problem, flexible tubing won't help.A better bet would be some braided copper shield, like Belden:http://www.takefiveaudio.com/mall/shopdisplayp... 
Sansui AU-217
The Au-217 isn't a tuner, it is an amplifier.If you are talking about the TU-217, which is a tuner, there are no lights in the dial. 
Does an integrated DAC/Headphone amp exist?
To answer the thread title - Yes, all kinds of them.The Meier-Audio Corda Aria comes to mind. 
Cable Burn-In Question Interconnect & Speaker
Hey Dave, I'm amazed my post even got through the approval :)Cable burn-in is a touchy subject, so it is best not to state it as a "Known fact". I would probably rephrase it in a more neutral manner.That being said, if I believed in cable burn-in,... 
Cable Burn-In Question Interconnect & Speaker
Please don't spout your nonsense as "known fact".Cable "burn in" is used by cable manufacturers to convince buyers to keep cables that they would otherwise return.This is a "known fact" 
HiFi lacking social recognition?
That's because you don't "blow" your bonus by spending it on high-end audio, you are buying a tangible good that will provide you with enjoyment for years to come :)