
Responses from rlawry

Name your favorite sax solo.
Dunno if you can consider it a solo since it is part of the main melody line, but I can never get Raphael Ravenscroft's sax line in Gerry Rafferty's Baker Street out of my head. 
Smallest room dimensions for good bass to 20hz
If I am not mistaken, even though the dimensions of your room may be shorter than the wavelengths of bass frequencies, a small room can support low frequencies through pressurization and depressurization of the room. I am in a small room and I can... 
How many dbs i will gain with 0,6mv cart.vs 0,3mv?
Since your new output voltage is twice your old voltage, the gain is 20 log (V2/V1), which is 20 log (2), which is 6 dB. So you would get an additional 6 dB of gain from switching cartridges. Looking at it another way, you would need 6 fewer dB, o... 
How to flatten Vinyl Albums
There is a treatise on a company making units to flatten LP's in the October Stereophile. This may be the safest bet to flatten valuable LP's. 
Moving Magnet Vs. Moving Coil
Thanks for the compliments. I guess I surprise myself every now and then and get one right. Glad I was able to help. 
Changed preamps. Seems like less power now?
It sounds as if your new preamp has lower voltage gain than your previous one. Yes, the preamp can affect the output of your power amp as it amplifies the signals from your front end so that it can be used to drive your power amp. There is nothing... 
Moving Magnet Vs. Moving Coil
Inside every phono cartridge you have a working pair of parts: a coil and a magnet. The law of physics says that if you move one in relation to another, an electrical current is produced. This is how moving-coil loudspeakers work. You send a curre... 
Conrad Johnson MV60
I had a Premier 140, which is a 140 wpc version of the MV60, but like the MV60SE, uses 6550 output tubes instead of EL34's for the MV60. The MV60 uses circuit boards and the tube sockets are mounted to the board. I think the MV60 and MV60SE have b... 
Should I upgrade my Merrill turntable?
I had a Merrill Heirloom turntable for 13 years and steadily upgraded my Graham tonearm from an original 1.5t to a 1.5t/c with 2.2 bearing. When I wanted to go to the Graham Phantom tonearm I was told by my dealer that they would have to drill a n... 
Polarity on a non-bladed plug?
There are ways using a multimeter to measure the current between the chassis of the component a known ground, but I never worried about how to figure it out. Maybe your component does have some way to figure which side of the cord is ground, but i... 
Polarity on a non-bladed plug?
The correct way to orient a 2-prong plug is to try both ways and see which way sounds better, if indeed one way sounds better. Sometimes it will make a difference, sometimes not. 
left speaker is louder than right speaker
If your preamp or power amp uses tubes, it could be that one of the tubes is weakening and reducing its output. Have you tried reversing tubes from each channel? It could be a phono cartridge going bad in one channel. Have you tried reversing inte... 
Fourier Panthare opinions
I had a pair a few years back and the sonics were superb. I still have yet to hear the type of huge soundstage these amps threw, along with great bass and superb detail driving my Wilson Sophia speakers. I also used a pair of Zero autoformers to r... 
Class-D amps - a different re view
I agree that Class D amps have a lot of potential. We have only scratched the surface of this new technology. It may not be quite there sonically yet but it is getting closer, and according to some as stated above, it is as good or better than con... 
Pet audiophile peeves - name yours
Those pretentious, self-annointed legends-in-their-own-minds who claim their ears are better than those of the rest of us. Therefore, they are in a better position to judge sonic attributes and their judgements should not be questioned.BTW, I enjo...