
Responses from rlawry

Was just Listening to Dan Fogelberg...
How about Michael Franks? Smooth voice/pop jazz. My favorites are The Art of Tea and Tiger in the Rain. 
Why so expensive??
I think you are talking two different ideas. First, you reference costs. Well, as one other poster said above, most high-end manufacturers are small entities. So the cost of R&D and production, marketing, quality control, etc are spread over a... 
Audiophile turntables of the 60's and 70's
I had an AR Manual turntable during the 70's. To show you how much I understood about turntables at that time, I sold it to a friend of mine and bought a Yamaha direct-drive turntable because it was fully automatic. I later regretted that bonehead... 
Phantom Arm VTA change from regular to 180 gram LP
I agree with Thomasheisig above. I have an SME table and Phantom arm with Audioquest AQ7000Fe5 cartridge. The differences in sound in VTA on record thickness differences in this range are hardly worth messing with. There are probably cartridges th... 
Unhappy with tubes so which transistor amp?
I, like you, had tube amps that continued to fail in one way or another. I even had some OTL tube monoblocks that had the biggest soundstage I had ever heard. But I got tired of going to my music room and panicking when the amp failed. When I went... 
Ever hear a power cable make a huge difference?
I had tried a number of power cords and I was able to hear differences, but I never heard one make what I would term a "big" difference. Until I heard a new type of power cord that uses bundles of carbon nanotubes from Intuitive Design. The differ... 
Watt/Puppies with SET or push-pull???
I tried some Cary Audio 300SE SET amps (15 wpc) on my WP7's. While they had a very good presence on voices and solo instruments like strings or piano, they were dynamically compressed and much weaker in the bass than push-pull tube and solid-state... 
Name a couple of HOLY GRAIL LPs
One of the best-sounding LP's I have heard is the Weather Report LP, the one with the red letters on a blue background. Fantastic dynamic range, especially in the bass, and a gigantic soundstage. 
FM Acoustics Amplifiers
If you are talking about high bandwidth amplifier designs, two others are Essence and Spectral. My Essence Emerald II amp has a bandwidth of more than 5 MHz. The thing you have to be careful about in most of these designs is the amplification of R... 
Intuitive Summits & R.S. Audio Sasons?
I believe Dale Pitcher, the Intuitive Design owner and designer, will have the Summits at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest in October, and is planning a trip to tour his facility in Wyoming. This may be a good place to hear the Summits and some of hi... 
Jazz trombone anyone?
I just listened to the recent MFSL reissue of Coleman Hawkins The Hawk Flies High, which has JJ Johnson as a sideman. Anything with JJ is great if you like jazz trombone. 
new Aja 180 gram vinyl pressing just arrived
I just tried the new Cisco version of Aja and compared it to a really good-sounding original and a MFSL pressing. And my verdict is in: the Cisco is a piece of junk. Bland, detail-challenged, flat, warm and syrupy, and no deep bass that is on both... 
New monoblocs for Maxx II, which ones
Essence amps were built from about the mid-90's until several years ago. The owner, Dale Pitcher, sold the company and is now with Intuitive Design. I believe only about 300 amps and preamps were built and they are the best equipment I have ever h... 
New monoblocs for Maxx II, which ones
I do not have the Maxx II's but have heard them at a local dealer being driven by VTL S-400 tube amps and the sound was terrific. I have Watt Puppy 7's and previously owned a pair of Sophias. Since there is what I would term a Wilson "house sound"... 
Best sounding LP nobody else has ever heard of...
If you are looking for good pop recordings and good music, try Marty Jones Used Guitars and Any Kind of Lie. Both of these are on A&M Records, which almost always have good sonics, unlike most other pop recordings.