
Responses from rlawry

Power: Good or Bad
Hey, Paul, who appointed you the arbiter of meaningful information here on Audiogon? You completely missed the point and are mistaken about Wilson speakers, of which I have owned many. Wilson speakers are not that hard to drive, particularly the S... 
Power: Good or Bad
You know, just about the time that I thought I had categorized the sound of various amp designs, I would hear another that broke all the rules. There are so many variables that I don't think you can do better than offer rules-of-thumbs about how a... 
Recommended first turntable?
I agree with Piedpiper above. My first high-end turntable was a Rega Planar 3 and it was way better than an automatic Yamaha I previously had. IMO it is a lot more important to set up the table properly than to worry about which inexpensive table ... 
Cost no Object but Small Room
I am in a very small room so that I have to sit nearfield between the speakers. The best I have heard are Wilson Sophias and now Watt Puppy 7's. Great soundstage and coherent imaging, similar to some minimonitors I had but with far better bass and... 
B&W Nautilus 802D, Wilson Sophia 2, or others?
I have never heard the 802D's but owned a pair of Sophias and tried a lot of amps with them, including solid-state, tube, OTL, and SET. IMO the things that any Wilson speaker does best (I now have WP7's) is bass, dynamics, and detail, along with a... 
Speakers with imaging "Free of the box"
I have heard Wilson Watt/Puppies produce a huge soundstage with no clue as to their location. Years ago I also heard some Artemis EOS minimonitors that produced a soundstage as good as any I have heard. 
more reliable amp: tube or solid state class A
I agree with the solid-state Class A amp also. Not because of the circuitry, which can be equally robust with both types of amps, but tubes are unreliable, especially output tube types that have limited lives and can become noisy, etc. If the heat... 
Good Baritone Sax Recording?
I know you were asking for a CD, but it you can play LP's the best baritone sax recording I have heard is Nick Brignola's Northern Lights on Discovery Records. It was recorded live to two-track and is one of the best recordings I have heard period... 
Sub. selection
I don't know if your application is perfect for a sub. IMO the best use for a sub is the bottom octave of bass that your main speakers won't produce. 70 Hz is pretty high for a sub where your ears can easily locate it. I had some minimonitors that... 
Watt Puppy 7 with Pass X250.5?
Audiooracle, I do not have a beef with those who don't like Wilson products. There is no arguing in matters of taste. You have as usual completely missed my point. What I get tired of is sellers who bash the competition in an attempt to sell their... 
Two amps, one pure class A, other A/B
If you have the same power supply and components I would expect the bass to be similar. Typically an amp biased into Class A will produce about 4 times the power in Class AB. I remember some Forte amps that had the same components but the Class A ... 
Watt Puppy 7 with Pass X250.5?
Aintitgr8, if we take your response for what it is, I cannot disagree more with your statement that Audiooracle is acting as a benevolent member that only has the original poster's best interest in mind when he disrespects one product to tout anot... 
Watt Puppy 7 with Pass X250.5?
Spenceroo, I don't think my WP7's are too lean with Essence amps and CAT Ultimate preamp, although I don't think they will ever be confused with a rich, warm sound. I was surprised at how transparent and big-sounding they are. If you want more war... 
Watt Puppy 7 with Pass X250.5?
I have had Sophias and WP7's, and IMO they both work better with big solid-state amps, although tube amps have their charms in the soundstaging and warmth departments. I have some big Essence amps driving my WP7's and the bass and dynamics are ter... 
Subwoofer Power Cord Suggestions
I have a REL Storm III sub and found an NBS Monitor 0 gave a tighter and deeper bass than the stock cord. I didn't try any others as the NBS was an extra I had.