

Responses from ronrags

Recordings with incredible effects or imaging that we may not know about
Klaatu barada nikto  
Audio Horizons fuses.... won’t buy them again...
@leog2015  I will try the SR Blacks next time. Did you not read my response above? Both the AH and the SR Black fuses blew in my Primaluna integrated amp. After calling the distributor, they recommended I increase the fuse rating which worked wi... 
Audio Horizons fuses.... won’t buy them again...
I had one AH fuse blow within the 30 days and Joseph Chow replaced it immediately. Prior to owning AH fuses, I also had a SR black fuse blow within the 30 days and replaced immediately. I called Primaluna and said I needed to increase the fuse rat... 
Done, really done!
zavatoI just read your profile and we both started out with the same type of systems around the same time. I purchased a Pioneer receiver, Dual turntable and Altec speakers right out of HS in 74 for $700 which was a lot of money for me back then. ... 
Done, really done!
ZavatoI can totally understand and appreciate your decision. It's wonderful you are really satisfied with your equipment especially after 2 years. What matters most is when you can sit back and just enjoy the music. I'm also very happy with my sys... 
Why does my system now have shrill top end.
@grannyring +1These forums are meant to exchange ideas and assist members in the world of audio and not insult those who do not agree with their opinions. These forums are not to be used as their personal message board. That is why there is a priv... 
Primaluna Integrated with a seperate preamp
@1graber2 I replaced the stock 12AU7 tubes on my Dialogue Premium integrated amp with Cifte 12AU7 as recommended by Upscale Audio. These tubes added more texture and a more holographic sound. I also tried other NOS tubes that are all better soundi... 
Best Volume Settings?
Thanks for your various points of view so there is no correct answer depending upon the source and pre/amp design and specs. It was interesting and educational performing this experiment and is food for thought for anyone interested experimenting ... 
Best Volume Settings?
@gdhal I agree there is a balance between the settings. I wanted to experiment based on the reviewers comments if there was some validity. So I decided to set a baseline volume in order to hear any differences. It was easier to distinguish differe... 
PADIS vs Furutech fuses
Koost,Not that I give a darn what your thought process is, you are annoying to this forum. Anyone who makes statements without trying the product has no business addressing the subject. In the 40+ years of being an audiophile, I've tried different... 
Sophia EL34-ST Tubes
The review states it has a 300B type of sound. Read this review for yourself.https://positive-feedback.com/audio-discourse/sexy-blue-tubes-the-sophia-electric-el34-st-and-aqua-2... 
Wonderful visit and 5-star customer service at Audio Doctor in Jersey City, NJ!
Well said Kalali. There are those members that are so negative no matter what the topic. I read this forum daily for information and ideas but I'm turned off by these individuals who turn these forums into a venting platform. Take it from one who ... 
Sophia EL34-ST Tubes
Does anyone have any experience with these tubes? 
Has anyone compared K150 tubes and the stock EL34s in Primaluna integrated/amplifiers?
Samzx12,I assume the GL KT88 are fully broken in so what is your opinion vs the GL KT77? Since you indicated the 88s have better controlled bass and top end extension, what about the mid range?  
Free Absorption Panels
I live in Staten Island and have 3- 2'x4'x2" and 4- 2'x2'x2" ATS accoustical panels I no longer use. I also have a pair of 36" metal stands, shot loaded with spikes.They are all free, just pick them up.  Anyone interested please PM me.