
Responses from rwwear

Audio withdrawal
I think it's a good idea to keep a back up amp around. I have several. It's also good to hear things from a different perspective occasionally. 
High Quality Universal Player??
Oppo is bringing out a new 4K player this fall.  
Is OPPO losing it's way?
Just about all manufacturers stop building last years model just before the new model comes out. Oppo probably has inventory left of the 103. 
Is OPPO losing it's way?
Oppo is bringing out an audiophile version later. In addition, if you are using the HDMI or other digital out, you won't be using the internal DAC anyway. 
Viva, no longer a fan
A company is really shooting itself in the foot by not supporting it's used products. If someone can't sell his or her old model they will probably not upgrade to the new model.  
Looking for SACD player............
I would wait til the Fall when the new players are available. There is a new Sabre DAC  that is supposed to be much better than the current one. Oppo has a standalone DAC that will use it and I suspect their new players will too. 
Shopping for an integrated, advice s'il vous plait.
I have a Yamaha CA-2010 that sounds great. I have connected it to my main system and was pleasantly surprised. I would definitely consider one of their modern integrateds. I've thought about replacing my high end separates with the Yamaha A-S3000. 
Should I replace my driver?
Just play the repaired one by itself til it breaks in. 
Visit to Magnolia Proves Interesting
chlv0ter Did you go to the Perimeter store? It’s the biggest I believe.  
Obscure bands
Saw Davey Knowles tonight. He was great.  "A musical phenomenon...a guitar prodigy" Paul Sexton, The Sunday Times" 
"Stairway To Heaven" Plagarism court case
It's alright to perform other people's music as long as you pay royalties and give credit. Therefore as long as whoever owns the rights to a song is asked or paid it's okay. When Weird Al does a parody he has to get permission from the person or c... 
Obscure bands
I hope I didn't forget Solaris. 
Obscure bands
It’s been a while but I would give them 4.5 stars. We met the band before the show and they were all very pleasant but the two main guys, Roine Stolt and the other guitarist were pretty stuck on themselves.The highlight to me was meeting the membe... 
Obscure bands
Arcam, Here’s when and where I saw The Flower Kings:ProgDay 1998 • SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th Crucible (USA) / Boud Deun (USA) / Soundscape (USA) / Brett Kull (USA) / Alaska (USA) / Cast (Mexico) • SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th A Piedi Nudi (Italy) / Discipl... 
Obscure bands
I have some Flower Kings and I saw them live in Chapel Hill NC.