
Responses from rwwear

I have bought equipment from Japan just to get champagne gold components. 
There's lots of champagne gold cars Hifiman. In fact I have one. 
Cartridge repair; re-tipping; canitlever replacement: The Needle Clinic A++
Or a different cantilever? 
Cartridge repair; re-tipping; canitlever replacement: The Needle Clinic A++
I used to use van den Hul a lot when Stanalog was the rep. They did a great job and was reasonably priced. 
Why does it take so many hours to brea in arc preamps and amps?
Maybe so it's too late to return it? 
I'm tired of black equipment. I refuse to buy it. 
Class D Technology
The PS Audio amps are being built as a lower cost alternative to their higher priced fare.  
Review: Sansui AU-7700 Amplifier
I just looked at a picture of the speaker jacks on the back of the 7700 and it states when using two pair of speakers they should be 8ohms or higher. 
Review: Sansui AU-7700 Amplifier
I believe it would be fine dpg3 especially at low volume. They should be 8ohm speakers though. 
Class D Technology
This may be of interest to aficionados of Class D. 
VPI Scout or GEM Dandy PolyTable
Rotarius, as the owner of several vintage turntables including a Technics SP-10MKIII, I tend to agree. But the Shinola is a well made 50lb turntable with a built in phono stage even though I prefer direct drive. 
VPI Scout or GEM Dandy PolyTable
You may want to look at these. They use parts sourced by VPI to make a lovely product for 2500.00. 
More from VPI!
I do too Ray. It’s around 2500.00. There’s a nice video on youtube of Michael Fremer visiting the factory in Detroit. They are also building a new moving coil cartridge which should be interesting.It also has a built in phono preamp which can be b... 
More from VPI!
Have you seen the Shinola TTs with parts sourced from VPI? 
15" is deep enough
I personally think amps should sit on the floor between the speakers and like them to be deep and narrow.