
Responses from tfkaudio

Best sounding SACD disc?
The Elton John discs are the best I've heard in pop music. In classical, the RCA Living Stereo series is great, although some of the recordings do show their age a little bit. Try the Mahler 4th or Petroushka by Stravinsky. Pentatone and Telarc al... 
VPI periphery record ring for VPI Scoutmaster
I'm also considering getting the outer clamp. I read a review and the reviewer said the opposite of Narrod. He said to get the clamp first, and then get the SDS, if you want. His logic was that the additional mass (something like 7 lbs. if I remem... 
Cartridge for immedia and EAR834P?
I'd say you might be very happy with a Sumiko Blue Point Special at $350. It would mate well with your rig. It's a high-output MC cartridge, and is very good. If you don't mind changing cartridges, I would recommend buying 2 cartridges as you star... 
Cartridge for immedia and EAR834P?
Is the EAR 834P the Moving-Magnet-only version? 
5687 tube
I've also heard that a 7119 tube might also provide excellent results. Thanks for all the responses!Tom 
5687 tube
Thanks for the responses. My gear is a Sonic Frontiers Power 2 amplifier. Would you say that the 5687 tube quality is critical for this application? Or would money be better spent on the 6922 and KT88 tubes? 
Happy Birthday John Lennon
Maybe he'd be writing about collecting Social Security. He would be 65 today. 
What's your dirty little secret?
I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Oh, wait, that wasn't me. 
I need help with my set up, PLEASE
You need a DVI cable. Audioquest makes them, as do others. You should use the 6-channel analog output mainly to play DVD-Audio discs. Most DVD-Audio discs (maybe all of them?) have a Dolby 5.1 layer as well as the high resolution DVD-Audio layer. ... 
Discography of Brahms, Piano concerto 1, op. 15
The Schwann Opus Catalog will contain a list of every currently available recording of the work. A list of every recording, whether in print or out, might exist somewhere, although I've never seen one. 
Does Jeff Tweedy sound like Ray Davies?
Welcome aboard, The_wife_factor, We should all have wives (or husbands) that are so passionate about music... Cheers, and rock on. Grab some Kinks SACD re-releases and stick it to him! I recommend "Sleepwalker". I can't get enough of it.Tom 
SACD player as transport or dedicated transport?
The XA9000-ES is a very, very good transport. And it plays SACD to beat the band, as they say. I still run the XA9000ES into an outboard DAC because I like it better. They say that the XA9000ES upsamples redbook to DSD, but my DAC sounds better, s... 
The Kinks "Muswell Hillbillies"
15 Kinks albums were remastered on SACD. The remastered albums sound very good. On par with the Dylan re-issues in terms of sound. Not quite at the level of the Elton John re-issues, which are the gold standard, IMHO. "Muswell Hillbillies" is one ... 
Does Jeff Tweedy sound like Ray Davies?
I'm a big fan of both of them, and I never really noticed a similarity. Certainly, they operate within the same limited range (which is not meant as a knock on them) but I would say that, besides the obvious difference - the accents - Ray's voice ... 
Issue Multichannel SACD with 2 Channel Player
You may be uncovering one of the "dirty little secrets" of SACD. Nobody really seems to talk about it. I've found that SACD players are VERY sensitive to quality of manufacture of the disc. I bought "Bring the Family" by John Hiatt and the disc ha...