
Responses from tfkaudio

Mozart Piano Concertos
I second the Decca Ashkenazy box. Excellent. I don't know if a complete cycle exists by Rudolf Serkin, but I think he is my favorite when it comes to the Mozart Concertos. Mitsuko Uchida is also excellent with Mozart. 
VPI Classic---Denon 103 won't fit on arm??
I think you've made a wise decision. While you've got your wallet out... I would get a good digital stylus tracking force gauge and a mint lp protractor so you can be confident, should the new 17D3 die in a year, that its demise was not due to poo... 
VPI Classic---Denon 103 won't fit on arm??
Nolitan, Again, I don't have first-hand experience with certain cartridges, such as Denon's or Shelter's, which i ASSUME would be problematic based on specs alone. I think the experience of Br3098 supports my concern about the Denon. I have stuck ... 
VPI Classic---Denon 103 won't fit on arm??
I don't see any reason why you couldn't, but a super-low compliance cartridge on a unipivot arm? That doesn't seem like such a good idea, unless you like to watch your tonearm rock back and forth like a boat at high tide. Stanwal, does it work we... 
Two questions about VPI peripheral ring
I don't usually see the periphery ring moving up and down. A record would have to be severely warped to resist the weight of the ring. The one time I DO see the ring move up and down is when I play some old records that are ever so slightly small... 
Transfiguration cartridges with JMW 9 Sig.
The ZYX cartridge can be ordered with additional mass supplied by a silver base which makes it compatible with the JMW-9 arm. Otherwise, the ZYX is much too light for the JMW-9 arm. I've read that some folks are very happy with the result. I use B... 
Rolling Stone top 100 Guitarists - Howe/Van Halen
I would actually put Joni Mitchell higher on the list. A great guitar player. Maybe had she windmilled, leapt over the mike stand, and smashed it she might have finished ahead of Pete at #50. But alas she just played it. As for #50... I've often s... 
Rolling Stone top 100 Guitarists - Howe/Van Halen
If you look at another Rolling Stone list - the best albums of all time, you'll find all "Prog Rock" conspicuously absent. No King Crimson, Yes, Genesis, etc. It seems obvious that they don't like prog at Rolling Stone. Thus the Steve Howe ranking... 
phono stage options for Lyra Cartridges
I second the EAR 834p. The Lyra's have a reputation for being analytical (in the best sense of the word), so a good tube preamp makes a good pairing. I would say, however, that you are probably doing it backwards. Find a phono stage that you reall... 
Beatles Remasters: Mono vs. Stereo Debate Thread
I'm looking forward to hearing the mono re-issues. I too grew up on the stereo versions, but I never thought the stereo mixes of the early albums were very good.Cheers. 
Stylus wear question...
I've done the same thing many times... I don't worry about it. I buy a new cartridge every 3 years or so, on average. There are so many better things to worry about. War, the economy, how much life is left in my NOS tubes... Cheers. 
How to listen to the Beatles re-releases?
I recently played all the Beatles albums, and I did so chronologically. You can better appreciate their development as musicians/writers that way. But don't worry about how to do it. Just do it. And if you want to REALLY appreciate them, do this... 
phono stage options for Lyra Cartridges
I second the EAR 834p. The Lyra's have a reputation for being analytical (in the best sense of the word), so a good tube preamp makes a good pairing. I would say, however, that you are probably doing it backwards. Find a phono stage that you reall... 
Cart option for VPI turntables
Add Lyra cartridges to the list. They mate very well with VPI arms.Cheers. 
Can You Live With Crackling & Popping Noise?
Art Dudley of Stereophile has, on several occasions, poked fun at the Rega "philosophy" of letting the cartridge stylus clean the record. "May your purgatory be a restaurant where they don't wash the plates, but rather let the forks clean the plat...