

Responses from toddverrone

Great music few are aware of. Any genre.
@ghosthouse Yeah, it's funny about that label name. The Ulrich Schnauss album came out before the record label existed.. not sure about the connection.It's great to meet another member who appreciates electronic listening music. If you like a bit ... 
Speaker Placement - When it's perfect!
Helmholtz resonators are too narrow in their frequency band. I need 20-200 Hz absorbed.No worries about the God particles, I'm agnostic. They leave me alone 
Speaker Placement - When it's perfect!
@geoffkait you could hire yogis to do yoga asanas in the corner. We can measure the absorptive properties of each asana and then tailor them accordingly. A headstand over behind the speakers, a nice corpse pose in front of the speakers to absorb f... 
Speaker Placement - When it's perfect!
@kalali - ha! Yeah, I'm aware and am researching bass traps at the moment. It's just that I recently bought a measurement mic, so I can finally see what frequencies I'm having booming bass problems with. And it's getting colder, so it was time to ... 
Tastes change with age?
No, @czarivey , you’re salty enough..!As I’m aging, my tastes are definitely changing. When younger, I was all about electronic music. That’s all I would listen to, all I was interested in. Moving to the UK and getting in with a great group of DJs... 
Interconnect Cables
@geoffkait holy 🐄 man! That was the most normal post I've ever seen you make! 
Interconnect Cables
I don't find silver to sound thin or lack bass. Almost every time I've put a silver cable/connector into my system, I've heard what I consider to be an improvement in clarity AND smoothness, as well as improvement in bass. The only place I like al... 
Speaker Placement - When it's perfect!
@stfoth   peace lilies are easy to care for.. they go limp when they need water, you water them, they perk back up. Not sure they’d be in a big enough pot to absorb much bass. I kinda lucked out with the orange tree.@geoffkait I’m open to the poss... 
On/Off Switch
It has actually been discussed on quite a few threads here and the best idea put forward and used by at least one amp manufacturer was to use a circuit breaker in place of the on/off switch and the fuse. 
Speaker Placement - When it's perfect!
Well, the plant may not be a good bass absorber, but the giant pot it's in, full of wet soil and placed in a corner is probably where I'm getting the bass absorption. Or super strong expectation bias. 😁I have my measurements and they show a signif... 
$1000-$2000 Floor-standing speakers for larger room w/NAD 326bee
Speaker Placement - When it's perfect!
@geoffkait it sounds great so far. Plants and I get along. 😉 
What should my next upgrade be? Your best experience
I'm with wiilem on looking into room treatment/system setup if you haven't already. Sorting out reflection points, resonance issues and bass nodes will help a lot. Like, a whole lot. Going from untreated/minimal setup to treated and properly setup... 
On/Off Switch
And then there are people who spend thousands on speaker cables and power cords and DO either upgrade internal wiring or know that the internal wiring is up to snuff.You can't really pick one instance of silliness and call it proof.. 
looking for the best cd transport only, without dac
That sounds like an absolute statement. Those don't tend to be true.Notice how I phrased that in a non absolute manner.