
Responses from tsushima1

Audio Research GS150 Musings
Several hundreds of hours would have been ideal, It is unfortunate that this particular unit has just the 100 hours on the clock as I rather suspect my loan period will not extend quite that far.Another run out sees the clock just ticking over the... 
ARC Quality Issues Ref75 Ref5SE Ref10
@Bifwynne, whilst the points that you make are known to me, however as there have been a sufficient number of instances reported where drift, or critical failure of bias resistors has occurred, and where the clock time on OPT's has past the initia... 
ARC Quality Issues Ref75 Ref5SE Ref10
@Bifwynne, a close enough 'Interperation'I am indeed referring to the slave KT120 V11, and associated circuit, controlling bias to that particular socket, the bias resistor of which would appear to have drifted out of spec. My commiserations on yo... 
ARC Quality Issues Ref75 Ref5SE Ref10
@Bifwynne, You are not alone. A couple of weeks back I began to sense a slight imbalance between channels, lo and behold, V5 was down to 61mA , V7 On spec, V9 ON spec, V11 down to 62mA.V5 biased back to spec and remained as such over the next coup... 
New KT150 tubes?
@Bifwynne, what little I have managed to extract thus far, Rewound Output Transformers ?!?!? Although I cannot see ARC not utilising the extant Cores and bobbins as sported on the Ref150.A reworked, and 'perhaps' influential , shortened circuit to... 
ARC Quality Issues Ref75 Ref5SE Ref10
If I may inquire , Which ARC model are referring to here ? VAC most certainly utilise superbly designed and wound OPT's, probably better than equivalent ARC, however in a shoot out I would go with KT150 over 88's any day! 
New KT150 tubes?
It would seem that the Death Star may be working on an 'Authorised' tech modification (cost of a handful of resistors and the odd cap unknown at this time) to some of the current production Ref/KT120 models, in order to optimise the utilization of... 
New KT150 tubes?
Whoa!!! Pause it there, please. @Smoffatt, would you care to re-read my post of the 12th Inst, perhaps paying a little more attention to the punctuation.@Bifwynne, please note the above.For my part, I am no stranger to frustration with Obfuscation... 
New KT150 tubes?
@ David12, I'm curious as to whether you attended the GS series soirĂ©e at KJW1 this weekend past? 
New KT150 tubes?
Wolf_ whilst In no way insinuating you to be a Numb Nutz....around valve gear, however, i'd be inclined to back the bias right off of the incumbent valves, insert the 150's, then steadily increase bias back to to circuit spec or close to on the co... 
New KT150 tubes?
Reading across the forums it would appear increasing numbers of Ref owners are loosing patience with Obfuscation Central and are electing to run with KT150's ......."I ordered 8 KT150s for my Ref150 from Upscale Audio on Friday - I had them overni... 
Stillpoints Ultra SS under your speakers?
I thought that I would resurrect this excellent thread as I have been fortunate in having a full Stillpoints dealer demo case with me for a while.For my part, this threw up some unexpected results given the recieved wisdom in respect to the Stillp... 
Taralabs cables
Don't forget Folks, all brought to you by Audiolabyrinth....http://i.imgur.com/69TJhzy.jpg 
winged c 6550c is not good for ref 5se??
@Jtimothya,Of course ARC wouldn't recomend the use of Vintage Valves in their equipment, they don't retail them !I am rather surprised at your findings with regard to GE6550!!! Which I have never yet found applicable to the several GE's that I hav... 
winged c 6550c is not good for ref 5se??
@MisterN, hopefully you managed to source the GE testing to New spec? Should you contract the rolling bug I would also recomend an early 60's solid grey plate, Have Fun .