
Responses from yagbol2

Dynaudio Confidence C4
According to the manual of Dynaudio, it is said they cn be driven by lower powered amps due to the benign impedance load, meaning it doesn't dip below 4 ohms. Still, I am curious to hear from members who have lived with triode amps such as the 845. 
VPI Aries platter/bearing change out
Your friend is very lucky. VPI must have put the 300RPM in by mistake or without him knowing was charged...because the 300RPM motor is $150 and the platter/bearing upgrade is $750. I had to pay said amount for my TNT upgrade.Setting up the platter... 
importance of phono cartridge
I totally agree with Nrchy!1. cartirdge2. arm3. phono stage4. phono cable 5. turntablein that order! 
JMW-9/Cartridge Problem
I just installed a Clearaudio Sigma (4.5gms) on a JMW9 the other day. Clearaudio supplies a lead shim to add in case the counterweight is not light enough for the cart. I don;t know if VPI makes a counterweight smaller then what is supplied with t... 
JMW-9/Cartridge Problem
What is the total weight of the Grado Sonata? If it is below 5 grams you will need a lead speacer to increase tracking force. It's very simple. or fabricate a lead spacer or even put blu-takon the headshell. VPI doesn't make a lighter counterweigh... 
Volume Level
It could be the tubes. try to switch the tubes and if it moves then you can isolate the weak tube.It could also be the cartridge. Get a tester and put it on 100ohms both channels should have almost the same reading if one channel is drastically wa... 
VPI HR-X, Super Scoutmaster and Acrylic Platters
Alephman,VPI does sell HR-X's with armboard though special ordered I think. Mine is on the way and fitted for a Graham Phantom X 
Triplanar vs JMW 12.5 on TNT 6
Sirspeedy, please elaborateyour post. I am very interested as I am getting a Wheaton for a TNT6. Thanks 
Radio interference on my phono stage
I agree with Cornfedboy that the Koetsu had nothing to do with it, also, I agree with Aceto that moving your turntable to a different location with turn the trick. Wrap the phono cable with aluminum foil the way and add ferrite beads will surely s... 
Any feedback on the Graham Phantom
My Phantom X has been with me for awhile. I await the arrival of my HR-X with armboard. 
Vinyl experts, I need your advice. TNT6, ETII,Benz
It could also be your compressor is not giving enough PSI. 
Clearaudio v. Teres
Agaffer,Did you use the Graham (what model?) with the Clearaudio, too?I own a Clearaudio CHampion Level 2/Unify/Goldfinger and it sounded really good. 
Phonostage w/volume options
Depending on the enthusiam, i think the Aesthtix IO Signature is in a class by itself. The Mk2 isalmost there. The Clearaudio Balanced Reference Phonostage can also fit the requirement. 
Is it worth purchasing the VPI 16.5?
I feel it is a no-brainer that an analog enthusiast should have at the least the highly touted VPI HW16.5 if you are building a record collection. Once you being buying a lot more LPs you may want to have more convenience by getting the HW17F. But... 
Any feedback on the Graham Phantom
HiBigdog,Please correct me if I am wrong as I am not too adept with how different arms work. My question is the anti-skating abilities of the Phantom vis-a-vis the 2.2. If you read my prior post to Mr. Graham in order to stop the 2.2 from swinging...