
Responses from yr44

NPR, Wine Tasteing, & Audiophiles
Gunbei, you sound (or write) like someone I know.Priorities:audiomoneysleepsex 
What's your dirty little secret?
Listening to Barney the dinosaur's song (the one that goes "i love you, you love me, &c"). 
Using Bad Recording to Evaluate a System
Onemug,Yep, I brought all kinds of CD's, all I was very familiar with and listened in multiple environments.Racarlson, you articulated it better than I did! :)I *do* hear the flaws as resolution increases, but the enjoyment, IMHO, with a really ex... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Hi Jafox,Last time I was there was also 2002. If memory serves correctly, they put the Burmester Rondo system in window display on the easter side of the store. I think it was on the 4th fl that they have the MBL and Burmester side-by-side. I hope... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Hi Robm,Yeah, I'm aware of that, too. :)I've heard dCS' 33K DSD stack, but in different system, different room, with Wilson Maxx2, Halcro DM58, and Transparent cabling, so cannot compare. But IIRC, dCS sounds more like #1.I've heard MBL's and Burm... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
For me, it's the MBL 1611E that does the magic. It transcends all those audiophile checklist items (speed, soundstaging, PRAT, etc) and just presents the music in front of me. I said this before, here I say it again: it presents the music as a phy... 
Is solid state obsolete?
Heck, nothing arouses me more than big, hulking, 600-pound badass class-A ss amp with heatsinks protruding from the side. A la Pass X1000 monos. Or XA200... Hmmm, oh yeah babes... Come to daddy...Or the shiny gleaming smooth scalloped front panel ... 
If your speaker can accomodate it, the best match is the ATC active amplification module. You can purchase it from dealer. It comes with active x-over and power amps that can be mounted on the backpanel of the speakers. 
Brain Becomes an Ipod
One upside of having this hallucination is to do away with your gear as everything you need to hear music is in your head. Saves you $$$. Though you must weigh if the possibility of going nuts is worth it. :) 
Calling all Andy Capps..
My son is 2 years old. He can carry an interconnect. :)John, the MBL is almost 70 pounds in its flight case! I've no doubt she can, but I don't think she would! =D 
Calling all Andy Capps..
The ATC SCM 20 active speakers! Not as heavy as yours, John, but it was 90 pounds nonetheless! (Not for long, though, just a few secs...) 
The Tony Bennett - Bill Evans Album - XRCD2
Listener57,What's great about this is we both can enjoy this excellent work of art in the medium of our choice. :) 
Should I chrome my tuner?
Don,You have GOT to show us! :) 
Best Dac/Transport Under 50,000
Edzard,You live in Belgium/France/Netherlands?Matchstikman,For some people, yes. For some other, no. Good enough? :) 
Best Dac/Transport Under 50,000
In my ears, even the MBL 1511 DAC was better than AMMII.x in that, in overall sense, it was (VERY SLIGHTLY) more musical, the presentation was (ALSO VERY SLIGHTLY) more liquid and coherent.The 1611E improves everything good on 1511. The biggest im...