Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?

There's almost no consumer impressions of this amp on the internet... but the 6moons review is intriguing.
I also ordered one of the Synergistic Research's Quantum Fuse Small (5x20mm) 250v Slow-Blo to try. We'll see.

That's absolutely correct. I even took out my spare fuse. I am not one for voodoo audio tweaks, but I notice a difference every time I swap in a better fuse in something.
Audio Magic fuse is installed. It's a very snug fit because the barrel is thicker. It sounds great on first listen. I'll let it settle down and report back.
JOe, The Job owner manual only states the fuse is 4A slow blow. Do you know for a fact it's 250v? Did you see it on the fues? I was just about to buy a fuse and saw different values.
Here is the email for Jerry of Audio Magic:

You can ask him. I don't know for a fact, but all fuses of this size/caliber are 250V. I did not think to ask. I am using mine now and it's pretty amazing.
Hi Knghifi,

Yes, I run the Job 225 on my TAD CR-1's but full range as the only amp. I think it works and sounds great. I use either my CJ GAT, Dartzeel 18NS or EAR 868 preamps and LOVE what I am hearing. Other than more gain on the amp than I prefer, it sounds amazing. The Job sounds great on my Studio2 or SF Evolution speakers too.

I use a single Job 225 on my speakers and don't feel a need to use 2 amps. I have 2 Job amps, one I bought used on audiogon.
Joeinid, if a single Job 225 can drive your CR1, it must be hell of an amp. Very interesting!
Since I've been buying a lot of cables lately, and on the advice of my friend Eric, (bigshutterbug), I've decided to wait on the fuses for the Job until I get a grasp on my new cables. Think I"m on day 9.........

It is one heck of an amp, but I don't go crazy on the volume. A friend who likes to listen a lot louder than I, was able to overdrive the amp. No harm done, but a little scary. Thank goodness I was not there.
I wonder how the Placette passive would sound w/ the Job? The Placette is supposed to be extremely transparent w/o being bright or harsh.
I'm getting a chance in the coming week to hear a JOB 225 driving Maggie 3.7s and Pendragon SEAS, comparison amps include Odyssey Kismet monos and a Plinius. I'll post my observations after the session.

Please do. I would love to hear how the Job sounds with the Pendragon SEAS.

Thanks, Mick.
Klh007, your comments on that session will be much appreciated, coming from a Tekton Lore owner.
I have just finished a weekend pairing a Job with Tekton Lore's.
Very musical. Clear vocals. Quick and tight bass. Nice and punchy. Good soundstage depth. Neutral and evenhanded across the range. Instuments are realistic and have good separation. The best SS amp I've had with the Lore's.

Awesome! Thanks for your feedback. So I am not dreaming, huh.

This amp is just amazing. Get one while you can guys.

Here is a link to a thread on another forum where I posted some more thoughts and some pics. Im braddles 63.

Have any of you guys tried the Job power cord yet? I'm think about giving it a shot.
So I tried a new pair of speaker cables the other day only to find my Job does not accept bananas. I had my friend replace the factory binding posts with some Cardas posts. I'm glad he did because frankly the factory ones were crap to begin with. Has anyone else had this unfortunate surprise?
Hi Devilboy,

If you want the ultimate connection to your speakers, one modification is to solder your speaker cable right to the internal wires and bypass the terminals altogether. It would mean dedicating some speaker cables to the amp but ultimate performance would be much better.
Hello Joe, yes I've witnessed the benefits of directly soldering a few times. My friend directly soldiers all his connections-interconnects as well.
One more on the way!

Thank you Job.

Estimated delivery :
Fri 11/15/2013 by 3:00 pm
One more on the way!
So I am thinking of trying one of these preamps with my Jobs.

Classe CP-800

or this

Wyred4Sound STP-SE with Stage 2 upgrades

Thoughts? ....

I'm thinking of the W4S STP-SE w/ Stage 2 upgrades. It has a passive volume control until a certain point then turns active. My thought is that I will never approach the active volume control with the Job amp.
Joe, I have no experience with either. I've read that the Wyred is super quiet though. Are you biamping with the Jobs? If so, vertical or horizontal?
I thought about bi-amping but may just use the second one as back-up or in a second system. I have some gear for sale. I'll see what sells and maybe pick up the W4S STP-SE unit. I will buy the Job preamp as soon as they release it sometime next year.
Joe, my Boston Pal has the W4S-SE and absolutely LOVES it. He is the one that went from horns to EP speakers.
Thanks Wisnon!

I am almost positive I'll get the W4S STP-SE w/ Stage 2 upgrade. I'll keep you posted.

I'm using the W4S STP-SE with the Job 225 and it is a great sounding combo! I may also try the Stage 1 upgrade next year.

Thanks Glen,

It makes sense to pair the STP-SE with the Job 225. I appreciate your input.

I am sure the Wyred 4 Sound preamp is stellar.
Looks like Part Time Audiophile just posted a very interesting amp shoot out with the Job up against Pass Labs, SIT, Red Wine Audio, Odyssey, Merril Veritas (Ncore 1200), and Vitus. Speakers were Maggie 3.7's and Tekton SEAS Pendragons.

Job didn't fare as well as I would have thought given my own experience head to head with my Ncore 400's.

Sounds eerily similar to the listening session Klh007 mentioned a while back. He never got back to this thread with impressions, but I wonder if he was over for one of the listening sessions part of this shoot out.
I and many friends have the Job 225. We still stand by our opinion that it's a stellar performer, playing well above its price point. It's one reviewers opinion, and only that. I would never expect the Job to drive Magnepan speakers. It's a wonderful amp and should be seriously considered by someone who likes a three dimensional sound stage, articulate bass, great separation and a slightly sweet natural tone with great vocals.
We still stand by our opinion that it's a stellar performer, playing well above its price point.
Value is good but ultimate performance is more important.

It's one reviewers opinion, and only that.
Agree! Never make purchasing decision based on a professional or amateur review.

I would never expect the Job to drive Magnepan speakers
This is why I'm surprise it can drive a TAD CR-1.
Hey, I have a Job too and am pretty happy with it. Also, it's true the Maggie's would be a hard load, and he admitted he wasn't able to do an apples to apples comparison with the others due to grounding/noise issues with DAC direct. He also admitted he needs to do more listening and will be doing a more thorough follow up. It was also clearly the most inexpensive amp in the comparison by a wide margin and held its own in some ways, even in an unfair speaker matching. I think I recall that he has Devore Orangutan speakers, and I'd be really curious about that pairing.

All that said, I could see his point that speed might be the Job's biggest strength, and not as much tone density. In my own system, I run a different model of Tekton speaker and get my tone from a fine tube preamp and an analog sounding NOS DAC.

In my opinion, the Job doesn't have to be universally perfect to still be a grand bargain. And what it does well it does really well. I just get tired with the back and forth on forums of best amp ever vs. hyped up flawed design. Seems worth characterizing the Job's strengths and letting people know about some ares that aren't quite as strong so they can make educated choices about whether to try it or what other components might help complement its character.

I'm using the JOB to power Devore Nines and it is the most dynamic and best bass that I have heard from these speakers! Great soundstaging and imaging as well. I can imagine that paired with the Orangutans, these qualities would be even greater given that the O's are much more efficient.

Also, I am using bananas on the amp, without any problems. Because of some space constraints and that my speaker cables are a bit stiff, bananas fit better.

"Genjamon: Also, it's true the Maggie's would be a hard load."

The Magie 3.7 is from what I have found out is very similar to the impedance of the 3.6. That is it's a benign 4ohm load, that even a good reciever will drive.

From Absolute Sounds:
"The speaker’s impedance is 4 ohms. Its load is essentially a resistive one; therefore, driving it doesn’t pose the loading problems"

From Stereophile:

Cheers George
I believe the Devore speakers sound amazing with the Job 225. It's a combo that I need to hear. I never would have thought my TAD CR-1's would work well, but I have to admit they sound superb with the Job. I am not one to play very loud and don't really push any of my amps. The Job is in my top 3 with only a Dartzeel 108 and CJ ART amps bettering it. I feel that strongly about the Job.
Grk: "Hi,I'm using the JOB to power Devore Nines and it is the most dynamic and best bass that I have heard from these speakers!"

Hardly supprising, as most of the Devor range are very easy loads, that remains at or above 8ohms, and don't tax the amps at all, easily driven by 9 watts so Jazz Times say

From Stereo living:
"The Nines are among our best selling products. Needless to say they sound great but beyond that they are easily driven by any tube amplifier in our store. They will sound wonderful with an entry level tube integrated"

From Jazz Times:
"I had to call DeVore to tell him that these were the most outstanding speakers I’d ever heard in my home, a judgment made while listening with a modest nine-watt amplifier."

Cheers George
Yes, yes, we get it. Job is a 100wpc amplifier with a transformer size that limits it's power output. The manufacturer skimped a bit in that area to match production to an inexpensive price point. Not a surprise to anyone who has looked into it a bit. Soooo, you have to match well with speaker power demands. Isn't this the same with any amp? I don't think anyone has claimed this amp defies the laws of physics...

Within those limits, however...
Sorry to come back again Genjamon, but you don't get it.
With your very easy to drive speakers, this amp may I admit sound very good.

I'm referring to those here and on other forums that spruik that this amp can do wonders on speakers that are harder to drive than yours, which is simply not the case.
And potential customers need to know this and take it into consideration before buying one.

Cheers George
George, just wondering if u had a chance to hear the 225 and if so, with what speakers? Mine are 6 ohm and 89 db and it's the best amp they've ever had on them. I even prefer the 22t over the E.A.R. 890 I had (which was the midrange king). Not saying my speakers are a difficult load, just saying.
No I have not heard them, and agree they may sound great on the Devore speakers as they are reviewed as being a very easy load and can be driven by a "quoted" 9 watt amp.

On another forum a member measured the heat sink temp at 60c on a 23c day driving a pair Lennahan Audio ML-1 book shelf speakers at moderate level.
They have an impedance curve and phase plot that is quite easy to drive, they are a little low in efficiency, but not abnormal for a book shelf. Recommended amps are from 20-300w for this speaker, not as easy as the Devores but not very difficult either.

This kind of tested heatsink temp on a coolish day is too high, and the chassis forms part of the heatsink, which means the internal temp will be high also. Any increase in the ambient temp will increase the heatsink/chassis by the same amount. Electronics specifically capacitors won't like this kind of temp, and the junction of the output transistors will be even higher.

Cheers George
I have no idea what the "quoted 9 watt amp" was, nor have I ever listened to the Nines with anything less than a 55 watt tube amp, that weighed 65 lbs. I also used a 100 watt hybrid amp for a while and the Job was simply better in vitually every parameter than both amps. The tubed amp btw cost $1k more than the Job.

The dealer where I purchased the Nines recommended at least 28 watts to drive them, since we both like to listen to rock and orchestral music at fairly high listening levels. I am skeptical that 9 watts would be enough power for my listening tastes! Although the Nines are easy to drive, they do sound much better with quality electronics, e.g., Leben, Shindo and now Job.

As an added bonus,the Job is the only amp that I have owned/auditioned in my home in the last 10 years, where there is no transformer hum! There is DC in my lines that has caused various amounts of hum, depending on which amp I was using, but the Job is totally silent!
Quote from the Jazz Times review:Speakers can take up to several hundred hours of playing time to begin sounding their best. However, as soon as I had the Nines up and running, I had to call DeVore to tell him that these were the most outstanding speakers I’d ever heard in my home, a judgment made while listening with a modest nine-watt amplifier.Quote:

From this review:

Cheers George

George, you never stop do you? You have ben trying to dimish this amp from day 1 based on just a picture of the innards. When that failed and the feedback has been overwhelmingly good, you now say that it cant power anything but benign loads.

Why do you fear this $1,700 amp so much? Is it because you perceive a commercial threat?

Dont worry, there is space for many kinds of products out there and all kinds of competing philosphies. Nothing is right for everyone, but many seem to be well satisfied with the outstanding value proposition they get with this amp.

Just let it be. It's a useless battle to wage, as the amp is still selling like hotcakes where demand still outstrips supply. No amount of speculation will change that.