Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?

There's almost no consumer impressions of this amp on the internet... but the 6moons review is intriguing.
Klh007, so did you get a chance to hear the Job driving the 3.7s and the Pendragons? I'm curious to know how it did with the Maggies. Also, because of the Job's incredibly high gain, I have a feeling the volume knob didn't go too high while driving the Pendragons which I think are pretty sensitive, if I can remember.
I felt exactly the same immediately after my purchase of the 225 due to not owning a preamp. However, I was fortunate enough to have been blessed with a Bent TAP-X falling into my lap......for the second time. That said, I think I would love to have the integrated, or even still, have a listen to the preamp when it comes out. I've had some serious listening sessions in the last three days and I've come to a point where I think my 225 has reached its "breaking in" point. It always sounded amazing but I think a few days ago it hit the mark for final break in. I've said this before but here it is again: every time I listen to this amp, I shake my head in disbelief to the sound I'm getting.
I've said this before but here it is again: every time I listen to this amp, I shake my head in disbelief to the sound I'm getting.

Hi Devilboy,

I feel the same way. I've been through a lot of amps in my time. I still fantasize about some of the new more expensive latest and greatest amps but I ALWAYS come back to the Job 225 for it's amazing performance and natural sound. It's just so darn satisfying. When the Job preamp comes out, I am buying it. In fact, I will buy EVERY Job produce they release. Job is a supreme value in my mind.

Thank you Job Electronics for an amazing product.
Hi Joe, yeah if I didn't have the Bent I would jump on the preamp in a second. Who knows Joe, I may do it anyway just to compare and sell whichever I don't want. It's win/win for me because the Bent is a very desirable piece so I know I won't loose any money there, and considering the very favorable opinion of Job within the community one could expect to get 80-90% of their money back if they chose to sell the Job preamp.

To anyone on the fence about trying this amp, I will say with no reservations whatsoever that the Job 225 is the find of my lifetime. I have never heard a component, anywhere, that scores higher on cost-to-performance than the Job 225.
Last night I put the Synergistic fuse in the 225. I will have the amp on for at least 50 hours, then switch the direction of the fuse and see which I prefer (if I can tell). Once that is determined I will place the Job on my Mapleshade system of Isoblocks, maple block and points that greeted me at my front door this afternoon.........oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy.
Alright, I know I said I'd wait but I have to chime in. I only have 15 hours on the Synergistic fuse but already, ALREADY I hear more air and more transparency. I feel as though the noise floor dropped even further because I hear more subtle nuances emerging from a blacker background. I will install my second fuse in my dac and repeat the process. I have two sets of Mapleshade vibration control systems (isoblocks, maple platform, and brass ponts). After the fuses, I will first put one "system" under the Exactpower voltage regulator and then under the Job. I want to stain the platforms first.
Yes you did mention that Joe. Lol. If they weren't so expensive I would try them. I need two so I went with the SR.
Yes,I'm having a lot of fun! Tomorrow is my last day of work then I'm off for 17 days! During that time, I have my new fuses and vibration platforms/points to try out. I hope we get a bad storm and I get snowed in for a couple of days so I can play with my new toys. God, I feel like a little kid.
Having fun is what it's all about. Congratulations! It makes me happy to see you having a blast!
Well, with over 80 hours on the SR fuse in the Job I must say it definitely has taken an outstanding amplifier to another level. More air and transparency. More of a cleaner sound with lowering of the noise floor which is making even more information coming out of a blacker background. On live jazz recordings for example, I can hear more of the audience, tinkling of glasses, applause, that sort of thing. Now, someone may ask why the hell would you want to hear more of the crowd? Obviously that's not what I'm getting at. With these fuses I feel more "immersed" in the crowd, like I'm more THERE and the audience is more around ME. Midrange is warmer and more rich. Soundstage is wider and I hear more depth. It's much easier to follow instruments in the back row of the orchestra. Everything just sounds cleaner.

As I told my friend Bigshutterbug, I first placed the fuse with the type reading left to right. Meaning, while looking at the rear of the amp and pulling the fuse drawer TOWARDS YOU, the type read left to right, like normal. After listening, I reversed the direction. This resulted in what appeared to be less natural "shimmer" on cymbals and somewhat brighter overall sound. Midrange wasn't as warm. Going back to original direction made midrange more real and highs sounded less irritating. However, I wonder if SR has all of their fuses in the same direction when sending the high voltage through at the factory. If anyone has found different results regarding the direction in their systems, please let me know.
Whats other projects does this company have rumored coming out? Preamp? Integrated? And when? Alot of buzz about this company. From reading the personal comments the Job sound or tonal quality seems to be alot like Ayre. Transparent,yet not sterile sounding.
From the website:

More New Jobs are coming

We continue working on new JOB models for 2014, including a preamplifier simple solution, a mono amp more powerful and maybe even a phono stage.... Please keep visiting this website for more information
Preamp next and probably by mid year.

No plans for Mono-blocs when I last asked a month ago or so.

I would love to see an integrated with basic remote...
Check out new pics on my "virtual systems". Finally stained my Mapleshade platforms and placed them in the rack under the Exactpower and Job. Moved some equipment around.
GRK, what are you using for a pre-amp? Can anybody speak to the DC coupling issue that seems like it could cause issues with certain pre-amps?
It's only an issue if the preamp passes any DC. According to Srajan's review, some tube preamps could. If you put a passive preamp on the Job you might be better off.
Anybody think the 225 would work with Vandersteen 2CE Sig II's or Treo's? I just read the 6moons review and I can't help wondering.
Joe, Norman tells me both of you have your eyes on a passive for the Job. Keep us updated.

Specs on 2CE Sigs is as follows:

7 ohms nominal 4 ohms minimum.

86dB with 2.83 volts of pink noise input at 1 meter on axis.

40 to 160 watts per channel into 8 ohms.

The Treo is similar. So my opinion is as long as you don't play concert level you will be fine. They are an easy impedance load so I would not worry. I bet you will be amazed at how good the Job 225 sounds.


Yes. I should know the details is a few days and receive in a couple of months. Stay tuned.
Hey, I just wanted to tell everyone that Ric Shultz from tweek audio dot com loves the Job 225 (calls it a giant killer), and he lists mods he provides to it. As I wright this, price has not been set.
I wonder how the Job 225 would sound with the Wyred4Sound STP pre? They are the same price-category. $1700 and $1800.
latest I heard was that preamp possibly by June and monoblocs by year end.

I would love to see an integrated with simple remote.
I was shopping for an integrated when I reluctantly bought the 225. I say reluctantly because I knew that meant going past my price range, not in amplification but in the additional preamp and interconnects I was now committing to. I'm excited about any product Goldmund/Job releases.
Hi Guys,

Good read those 4 pages.

Have anybody tried already to lower the gain of this amp by changing the resistors? I would be very interested in this mod as my speakers are 95db/w and my Pre pumps 3.7v so I am afraid I will be adjusting the knob using microscope... (no remote).

Sebna, a faster way might be to add some Rothwell adapters to the rca inputs of the job. At least that way you wouldn't have to open it up. Obviosly now you're adding something else to the signal path. I wouldn't do it, just throwing it out there. It does seem that 9 o'clock would be loud and 9:30 too loud.
Thanks Devilboy for coming back on this.

I have same approach as you. Would prefer not to add anything to the path if not an absolute must, hence the idea of moding the internal circuit.

I am afraid that all the volume regulation with this sensitivity and output of mu Pre is going to close in 1h span (so lets say min listening levels at 8 o clock and blowing up the speakers at 9 oclock).

I guess I will have to try and see for myself.

Pre is in analogue domain and it is Eximus DP-1.

Sebna, check out this link:

This is Ric Shultz's website called TweekAudio. He's been modifying stuff for a very long time. He loves the Job 225 and lists some mods he can do to it. Don't know if any of the mods listed will achieve what you're after but it's worth a shot to contact him and ask.

Hope this helps.
Crap. Meant this link. This is the link to his home page:
Should be another 2-4 weeks before it all comes together. Sorry for the silence, I've been enjoying my system. :)
Sebna, congratulations on your purchase. Yes the Job accepts spades. However, I couldn't get my Audioquest bananas on the factory binding posts so my friend replaced them with Cardas binding posts. FWIW.
Thanks Devliboy,

Just got confirmation that it was shipped to me today. Very good. Hopefully I should have it by Friday! Yay.

Guys I am trying to figure it out where are the RCA inputs on the Job - I cannot see them on any of the photos due to angles.

Can you tell me on which side and how close to the edge are they (I need to figure out the length of RCAs that I need).

Should I look for warm cables for job or neutral and detailed (and transparent) will be ok or am I risking getting into bright / harsh areas? (my speakers are on the warm side of things).

Thanks again,
Sebna, good for you about the Job. I hope it gives you as much enjoyment and satisfaction as it does me!

The RCA inputs are located as follows: Both RCA inputs are directly beneath the speaker binding posts. If you are looking at the front faceplate of the Job, the left input is located all the way to the left edge of the amp, as I said, underneath the speaker binding posts. The right input (and speaker binding posts), are not on the edge but about 3-4 inches in FROM the right edge. The power cord goes in towards the right edge of the amp. Hope that helps.

My speakers in my room with this amp benefited from warmer cables. The Job doesn't have the negatives usually associated with SS amps (bright, edgy highs, so-so midrange), but in my system, every little bit helps.
Sweetcord email feedback I got:

J. stopped by today to audition his new Sweetcord powering the JOB 225 he let me borrow. Words seldom fail me, but describing the dramatic improvement rendered by one Sweetcord would be impossible. I can simply describe the experience as " OMG" and assume you catch my drift. Absolutely remarkable - the best I've ever heard, and by a wide margin. Wow!
Wisnon, I assume your impressions of the Sweetcord were compared to the stock power cord? Have you tried any other cords on the 225 and if so, which?
Devilboy thank you for letting me know about RCAs. The info helped me to get the right length of RCAs (hopefully).

My passive preamp should be home this week and the power supply next week.

Here is the website for the volume control:

The power supply is a Teddy Pardo Dual 12 - 2x12V 1A Power Supply

Richard Becker from Aum Acoustics built my passive.

He's a super nice guy.
Have the Job up and running on some pioneer/TAD S-2Ex speakers. AM fuse coming.

I am shell shocked at what this guy can do. I must say I only bought because Joe has similar speakers and his praise of the Job driving his speakers drove me to buy. He is right!! Killer amp and sounds like a $10K AMP.

Here is what I am going to do to this little guy. Install Stage 3 silver wire after removing the cheap speaker binding posts. Then clamp down my SilverSmith Silver ribbon speaker cables to the Stage 3 wire. Hardwire the Sweetpee AC cable. Ground the transformer to Sistrum points. Dampen all areas that need it. Remove LED light. Any other ideas??

This amp is very powerful. Drives my speaker with authority. Killer bass and soundstage. SS almost like a tube amp. Quiet no noise amp. No distortion.

What a find!!

How to run two amps on my speakers? One on low one on high
I'd be very interested to know how the AM fuse works out. Please keep us posted...
The Bel Canto is a better amp in that it separates the performers in their own space. Dead quiet and runs cool. There is something about mono blocks that does a better JOB than a stereo amp. Need two Jobs now.

The Synergistic fuse took the BC amps to a much more realist sounding amp.