Arthur Salvatore WoW comments??

Anyone ever read about this audio critic? his site is at but for the real deal go there and scroll down to 'audio critique' and click on that link and you will not be able to stop reading. i recommend reading his 'philosophy' first and then his 'recommended components list' - although i know you guys will reverse that order; it was worth a try.
This guy has some very interesting things to say about audio and has really gotten hot and heavy with the top magazines and he's published his heated correspondences with them and you'll love it.
Please comment here after reading about this guy.

Showing 32 responses by detlof

Well Kubla, were you so quick to shoot with those minus two points?...and I thoughts we were "friends". Shows how naive I am...but then probably it was one of those inane bushwackers. .....
Wow, no wonder you've got "thunder " in your name J. Does J stand for Jupiter? Just be careful you don't cause too many shorts in Mark LEVinson gear! But then you can always call Cornfedboy to defend you, though he might be very expensive.(All us audiophiles need money and that aplenty! Believe me, I know...)
Kubla, wasn't hyperbole...CFB will you please let me out?. I'm uncomfortably too close to the law....I promise, I'll deposit an afidavid ( how the shit do you spell that?) in your medulla oblongata taking responsibility for those three and another threehundred shits you may drop here or anywhere else before I go. But p l e a s e let me out!!!!!
Kubla, we've been through it all in the thread called "Reviewing the Reviewers", as you know. So why bring it all up again? Cheers,
Well Kubla, I didn't really think it was you. It sort of didn't fit your usual cordiality and Jayboard thanks for your ideas. Actually I don't really care much about votes one way or another, but when I log into Audiogon, its for me like stepping out of the house into a bright sunny and interesting day I'm looking forward to....and then you step into a piece of shit, somebody let fall on your doorstep... its sort of a letdown...Regards,
CFB, thanks for your kind words and Evo, thanks for the kind all sort of helps to get the shit off your doorstep. (-:
CFB how right you are ! I can say what I asterixes-well like, if its therapeutic for me. Only one little mistake: I thought lawyers - perhaps not always in court - but in establishing all the pertinent circumstances of a case had to be precise-- it - ahem was not animal excrement - it definitely was human shit!! Yes and Kubla, Lopez or Judd? Salivating Salvi wouln't have a chance, I'd get some new Viag..ahem- life into these old bones, power down the rig and go stalking myself. Yes.
P.S.:This is getting to be a hilarious thread. Asterixes Salvatore, rather lets get on with our fun.
Cheers to all
For heavens sake J, did you get minuses too? I'll even you out some. Stool, man!
Dear Cornfed, certainly not your art, how could you ever think that, merely an affidavit (thankyou!) for saying shit with impunity, the selfsame allusion to faeces being certainly caused by *some* involuntary nerve movement, would you not think? But please name a better place, I'll do anything to be free of that shrink-persona of yours...though from what you say, I have nothing to do with it? HMMM, wonder if I should take some haloperidol or (shudder)go back into analysis..... no I'll have some cognac instead......, yes high as a kite is nice, much better than mad as a hatter, but then you know how close genius lies to madness, especially if you emulate Viennese or even Zurichoise circles....what did friend James Joice say: Tweedledee Jung and twaddledee Freud... but I am rambling. And by thundering Jupiter or B'Jove in Brits, and J thunders in Audiogonese, this is all about DADA, you know, that Art form which started in pre-war central Europe, or like free Jazz if you like and Kubla, Great Khan, what a chuzpa, how can I heal myself, if CFB won't let me out....and how can you talk of ecstasy...when my stasis is in and not out. But the Julian Jaynes might help. Thanks, did't know it. Will click on Amazon now. But first another cognac. Cheers to all
Hello there, which cognac you ask? Cheapo stuff, Greg, very you think I can afford something decent with that hobby of ours?? Joyce I suppose, would make more pleasant reading than Jaynes, but alas it's a Julian and not a James, the stork is bringing from the land of the Amazons.....and as far as I am concerned Wirehead, I'd rather have what the I-Ging says about music than what came out of that pox-riddled brain of Nietzsche...but basically it boils down to the same thing, pox and no pox.......Greg's idea of drunken composing reminds me of the life of Sung Tung Po, but alas no chen -players here, no comely maidens to bring new wine and the poet -friends not near, but spead all around the internet..... I think I'll need some more cognac, perhaps the rig will sound better then.....and Kubla toepics can be nice, remember Tom Waits singing about popsicle-toes, made me all nostalgic for a chen-playing maiden......which is where the snake bites its own tail. Cheerio
Heinz Cognac yes, Gregg, Hine not, but basically its true, the highs make funny things to your brain and bass drums or double base rudely plucked and manhandled get your synapses out of joint. After a cold glass of beer, the rig starts slowly to sound better. ....and to hell with the subject, make it a thread for higher nonsense.....possibly we'll find method in the madness...all this is better than talking about Salvatore, where, though he would probably like it, his nomen non est omen.
Oh heck, give Kubla some good old fashoined morphium-scopolamine. I guess, he'll feel much better once he's woken up again.
Nilthepill, nice to have you here, do you keep your shoes on while you zzzzZZZZZ?
Decay, talk to your doctor, I think the Zoloft is a bit high and a bit more Methadone certainly won't harm. Let us know, what he said and how you found the change. I know about the background noise and beer. I found the only solution is more beer.
Swampwalker please don't be scared. Can't be worse here than ambulating with your gaiters through the gators, can it?
Thunders, nice to see you out again, was it with the help of Cornfedboy? How expensive is he? Might need him soon for malpractice, you never know...Greg, truly fascinating question you pose. I gave it some thought and I suppose Melleril might do the trick in combination with a beta-blocker, but I haven't found out which yet, because it should enhance the antidepressant quality of the drug. The serotininereuptakeinhibitors won't do here and its a bit risky to consider those good old Mao blockers, because you never know what else the guys may be taking as well. No Melleril would be our safest bet, though its tough to find the right dosage. Mite 20mg 6 hours before listening should do for audio journalists, 30-40 mg of the normal stuff should do for us ordinary folks. If that doesn't work, we will have to seriously consider the hypothesis of those who maintain, that the difference heard between amps, wire et al is all in the mind. In that case we will have to consider neuroleptics, or get an old electro-shock machine through e-bay, the one with tubes do best, would use lobotomy only at the last resort, I think. About your lithium Greg, Kubla might need some on a regular basis, all depends how he is, once he's awake again. You could of cause also start an auction for your stash. Its good for audiophiles who are in danger of budget busting..... in other words for practically all of us. Set the reserve fairly high, you might make a fortune. "Twiddle-dee-twiddle-dum" as Jamie, the great Irish bard used to say.
Slawney you've got it. And even if we were analyseable, who would let the fun be spoilt by some curmudgeon of a shrink, enviously scribbling his notes, while we happily rant and rave???!....and don't worry about the Stingray, she's inspiring you obviously..this idea of incest between Eve's warm glowing tubes is more erotic than a night with P.A., so p l e a s e keep on elogysing!
J, thanks, 'cause you never know where his will end. Besides, excellent advice also for those newly confined in the closed ward of a looney-bin. The only thing I can add from experience: if they want go give you "smarties" or "vitamines" gladly accept them with your friendliest of smiles, hide them under your tongue, swallow hard and when they're gone SPIT, fast and far. After that, act according to rule # 1 of J's survival rules.
Greg: no, too lazy, since my wife did the talking- she was very polyglotte - but I can swear very long and nicely with a fairly impeccable accent. So I can even make Budapest taxi drivers mad, which is fun, IF you have a car with good acceleration and there is no traffic jam. ( rare these days)
Oh, Greg one other thing, please be careful with those serotininereuptakeinhibitors, because serotininereuptakeinhibitors have an adverse effect on the second thing audiophiles like best, when they are not listening to music, tweaking, cleaning LP's or wasting computer space on Audiogon. I dare not quite tell you what it is, because as a depraved European I cannot be quite sure where political incorrectnes begins chez vouz beyond the pond. A hint however: The action I have in mind, if applied correctly, with good rythm and timing, as well as the apropriate rituals, unlike record cleaning of course, but with a similar effect, ( the highs come out better) before but also AFTER the actual event,(the latter, alas, is often forgotten) MIGHT (though its not garanteed by any means), yes, MIGHT get your significant other better disposed toward your next big purchase, which will drain your common budget and clutter up your living space. That's why I hinted in my other post, having all our many troubles in mind, that serotininereuptakeinhibitors will not do for audiophiles, because we have to be especially on out toes, doing every thing we can for our hobby.
True, true Greg...the pfizer stuff is excellent and it does take brevity from depravity and makes the depraved feel brave, don't it?
J -true,true...more than many tracks as a railroad-yard!
Holy shit Kubla, I took just a sip, wasn't so much left in the bottle...and what's this talking behind my back?... and Greg, why talk to the shrink and waste your lolly? The reason for seeing more than one may well be be a physiological toxic aftereffect.
and I thought, that as was the one, who after a series of es (after he had fallen in a serious exogenous depressive state),having been turned down as an audio writer, became enlightened and now thinks he is the reincarnation of ....shit, (oh sorry again Kulba) I almost forget, not allowed to say......but yes Cornfed, you were very close, that was not Archie, 't was his greatuncle, Silvano Salvatore, later Solly S, after he had converted and SLAWNEY:::::YES; WELCOME HOME!! and J, couldn't be, because that one was saved by Superman. Cheers to all and where's the beer?
Oh zzzzzzZSlawney, a kingdom for a Flitchen, but didn't Shakespeare also say that "alcohol increases the desire, but deceases the performanzzzzzzzZZZ of listening acuityZZZZZZZZZsleep, oh gentle sleep.............somebody throw my rig out of the window.......peace at lastzzzzzzzzzzzz
PSSSST: I managed to smuggle this out. J, thanks for all your helpful advice...I managed to keep my back to the wall...and the director here is an audiophile...He doesn't know about my stash nor about this website..yet. J you could, if so inclined I suppose "eat of drink" them, though I would be a bit careful, "flittchens" are what the Victorians used to call loose women...and indeed they really seem to be loose all over town, with mure bulges underneath there Ferragmos than usual, Uzis ( not Uzo, Kubla ) they say, and all looking for me, besides....must stop now, someone is coming...
Thanks Katharina, you have your bulg--heart- in the right places-sorry must be the cognac you brought. Can anybody give me the address of PFIZER. Its urgent. I have to do something about those flittchens, once I get out of here and there is only one stoned to kill those many birds. By the way, I'm helping the warden to improve the bass output of his rig, but need more cognac to get my hearing straight.
Hey, sorry Ka, seems the boys don't come out to play anymore...though I did like the way you spun out the story. In the meantime, I'm having fun beating the shi...ahem....excrements out of the Porsche biturbos on the Autobahn.
Mhubbard, so glad you ain't Ron. That one did not have any sense of humour at all.....Slawney congrats on your splendid definition of poor old salivating Salvo...its a true gem, wished I had thought of it, but then you know how busy I was. So it was Greg in the Bugatti and I was already doing 330 km/h, wondering if I should kick in the methanol, but he swept past so fast, when the thought was through, I saw him crashing through a roadblock of the autobahnpolizei....hope you're allright Greg, we don't want to miss you here!!
Greg, we have to get ypou out of that fix. shall I come over with my Siemens? You could tell the o-fuhrer that I am a salesman for a new light weight communications system straight out of the Swiss silicon valley. It can even imitate cowbells and cuckoo clocks. If he falls for it, we can give him the treatment and make a brake for it. What do you think? Has anybody got a better idea???
P.S.: I think we should also salvage the Bugatti, shouldn't we?
Stereo, as fast as I can say Bernd Rosemeier!!!
Greg, I'm on my way, prepare for the break of the century!
How right you are and those battles before between Auto Union and I would love to own a Horch!
Greg, a true 12 cylinder ? What's the mileage?... and no I don't have any Mercs, I just don't like them. I prefer the Beemers.
Beemer, I learnt it from the inimitable Sedond here at Audiogon, seems to be an Americanism for a BMW. So you were not far from the mark, Greg. That three wheeler was called "Isetta", if I remember correctly.
Pity this thread died, partly my fault too, just too busy. Would anyone like to continue our hilarious story??? Who knows, we might make it to Hollywood (or Babelsberg).